COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Well there is that very high per population death rate.

Iā€™m pretty impressed Trump used ā€˜mitigationā€™ correctly in a sentence.


There would still be chains of infection but your point has validity. The small number of not yet infected might come in contact with multiple infecteds.

I would try to find different test manufacturers at least.

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I spent a ridiculous amount of time on Twitter looking at the cubic model commentary.


Yeah if everyone on earth lived on a giant cruise ship weā€™d all get it before any kind of herd immunity could set in.

One interesting thing might be to look at the 3 female prisoners who didnā€™t test positive - to see if they already had it or have some kind of natural immunity. They could just be lucky of course. Like maybe you find out they all have some weird condition and that could be a clue.

I just put up one of the cubic model tweets up on LinkedIn. I try to be careful with that as itā€™s my business face. But itā€™s getting very hard.

guys they canā€™t let the cure get out.

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Oh god this is gonna be wild for the right.

Hillary did it


Havenā€™t read much lately - anything new ?

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I remember when hydroxy was all the rage. Simpler times.

Went for a ride and it seems like everyone has abandoned their masks. While half of exercisers had a mask last week - now closer to 10% - this in Floridaā€¦

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Noticing the same here. Corona is over didnā€™t you get the memo?

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I am now the only one wearing a mask to most places I go (which tbf is not many, just the grocery store and sometimes the liquor store). Itā€™s an act of defiance here, I think. Thereā€™s a bar in OC that has opened up too and the county is not gonna do anything to them.

I swear to god if me or anyone I love (luckily a tiny list) dies from this Iā€™m gonna figure out how to haunt the shit out of these people. Just pure, unbridled narcissism running rampant.

I get so angry I had to kind of chill on social media for a minute. The local pages are batshit - i mean TOTAL batshit. You can tell that there is a large group that genuinely trusts the leadership in CA, and is concerned about lifting restrictions too earlyā€¦ but it seems like itā€™s shrinking or getting quieter, or maybe the shrieking of the derps has reached peak and it just gets lost in the noise. Idk. All i know is Iā€™ve never been more certain of the average personā€™s absolute stupidity.


Mask use is pretty widespread in San Diego. The one place where Iā€™ve seen 100% compliance was the weed store seriously. Been 3x in the last 6 weeks and every single customer has had a mask.


I imagine spartanwife is not pleased, lol.


:angry: Donā€™t post this paperā€¦ :rofl: Itā€™s lies I tell ya, and sometimes itā€™s a clock.

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This is true, and also it needs to be understood that herd immunity works because enough people who would otherwise be susceptible to infection are immune. At that moment, cases start to decay. However, thereā€™s nothing preventing active cases at the time HI is achieved from infecting the remaining healthy cases. Consider one example where you vaccinate 80% of the population, then infect 10 people. The virus hits too many immune people to reproduce, so cases trail off. Compare the case where you vaccinate 30% of the population, then infect 50% more. Cases still decline for the same reason, but in that scenario most or all of the healthy 20% get sick anyways as the active cases gradually burn out.

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