COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

It is the age of belligerent stupidity


Maybe this is the end of OSHA?

Furthermore can you even call them “antibodies” if they don’t do that?

@Trolly is the hands down MVP of these threads.


It’s absolutely mind-boggling how political this crisis is in the U.S. Virtually everything about the Trump administration’s, Republican lawmakers’, and Conservative citizens’ response to, solutions for, and opinions about it are mired in partisan politics. They are determined to be against anything Democrats/Liberals want to do. And because Dems/Libs generally want to do things to help individuals and implement logical, scientific plans to mitigate the virus spread, everything Repubs/Conservatives want is a horror show.


“Licensed restaurants and food establishments may reopen so long as they don’t operate at more than 25% of a county’s approved building occupancy”


“At the end of the day, rather than the state tell all these business owners what they can or cannot do, we can give guidelines”



I think I am going to order an antibodies test but want opinions first.

I had two vectors of exposure in late jan/early feb. One was my roommate, who works in public transportation in the hardest hit city in OC. The entire workplace got a weird cold-like illness in february and it originated from a worker there whos dad had recently returned from china and gotten sick.

The other vector was a nurse I had extremely close contact with in late Jan. She works at a hospital who recently publicized they had their first covid patients in january. She cared for one, and I just found out recently. They were keeping it very quiet. When we hung out she was sick, but at the time, covid was not a real concern in this area so I didnt think much of it.

I mean, I still think the odds are pretty low I have had it. I did get sick soon after these events but it was like a small sniffle with a weird cough and a feverish feeling in my body. Temp went to 99.4 but for me that’s a fever.

I havent kept up with all the posts here, there are too many, but am I understanding that the consensus here is that the test is not reliable/worth it?

I just want some peace of mind because I’m considered high risk by my doctor.

Not sure about well-known. Whenever I told Chinese people that I lived in Wuhan, they’d talk about how hot it is not the discounts you can get on bat soup. The fact that people think that Chinese people regularly eat weird stuff like bat soup is an annoying stereotype.

But yeah there aren’t too many places where you can get that type of stuff. I didn’t even know the place existed and I lived in Wuhan for 2 years. Then again, it was at least an hour away by cab from where I was in the city. I had only been in the vicinity of the place twice.

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I legit hate this guy


Shit. Guess I hit the wrong family.



Nah, pretty sure @Danspartan is the MVP.

Meanwhile in lolOhio, the state has a $2.7 billion rainy day fund but we’re not going to tap into that right now and instead slash education? DeWine was doing so well with the corona thing I forgot he was a Republican.


I don’t get why people care so fucking much about going to a goddamn restaurant.


Oh, right, it’s total cases that double not new cases, so the death numbers would be even lower than I mentioned. Yeah I recall it being 2-4 days based on no shutdown, no measures to distance, etc.

Right, so basically I was just showing a random early start date to show how long it could fly under the radar, not trying to guess the start date. Keeping the variance in mind as well, which matters way more when the sample size is small, the every three day numbers in reality could be like: 1 1 2 4 4 6 8 12, etc… You’re not guaranteed to get the expected value in total cases or even close to it until the sample size is much bigger.

This is a really good point, and the type of thing the Democrats absolutely suck at thinking of. Like, pandemic response should be a public health issue, so it’s characterized as such. But politically if you put it in DOD, you’d get way more money to it with way less fight.

Yeah I’m curious whether the GOP is able to get us back to normal on fear mongering terrorism after this. I’m sure some Democrat will be like “WTF guys, you just cheerleaded staying open while 250K people died, now you want us to freak out and spend billions because there’s a 1% chance ISIS could kill 100 people?”

Flip side is it may have negative effects on trying to prevent mass shootings.

To lazy / stupid to know how to cook.

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fingers crossed he is dead in 4 weeks from it, not his family, just him.

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Why in god’s name would we want the DoD in charge of pandemic response?


So word is the White House Corona Virus Task force plans to shut down by Memorial Day.

Congratulations to everyone here, we have successfully endured this global pandemic. Good… wait what is that? What do you mean we are still at peak new cases? So why would we be closing down the task force in a few weeks? MAGA to you to sir!


The corona task force did fuck all anyways.


The one that makes you slightly less awkward around women.