COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

So we can weaponize that shit and fire it into the sky to stop global warming so Clay Travis’s family can attend dinner without him needing to tweet about it.

If antibody tests are widespread and people who taken them then go around acting like assholes, we’ll quite quickly learn either that antibodies are or are not sufficient to confer immunity.

False positives etc are a factor too, but some people with positive antibody tests will presumably have a positive diagnostic test when they were sick, so we should be able to connect those dots relatively easily. This has some value for vaccine development too.

Either way, more data and more information, even if it’s flawed or based on flawed assumptions, is almost always going to be useful in piecing this puzzle together.

As I mentioned, that John Oliver piece had experts saying the antibody tests available right now are trash and collectively have a 50% false positive rate.

I would not spend any time, money or energy getting a current antibody test. The FDA has essentially abdicated any responsibility or oversight in making sure antibody tests work. There are over 150 manufacturers of antibody tests and none are sanctioned.


Don’t forget that the entire reason most Trumpkins drag their miserable selves out of bed each day is to find someone to belittle so they can feel big. It is KILLING them that they can’t go to Applebees and berate a waitress about the amount of ice in their drink.


Jfc. People are getting desperate burying brags ITT.


Yeah, absolutely. It’s the most frustrating part. Competent people could have spared us 90% of this. Even say a 2-month lockdown, stimulus on the order of magnitude of what we already did (but better directed and structured), and a coherent message: We need you to lock down so that we can use the two months for it to be safe to re-open.

Then you ramp up testing capacity, create a massive federal testing and contact tracing program, set up an optional app for people to use to assist in that.

We could have been basically open by now with like surgical masks for everyone in public, maybe no crowds for sports or concerts - or maybe mandatory testing for that stuff, and otherwise ~normal. You’d have less economic damage, way less sickness and death, and a much better quality of life.

Plus the shutdown would be way more palatable to people if they knew exactly why they were doing it and for how long, and if the president gave a competent Oval Office address to explain this.

But we don’t live in a country where that’s remotely possible right now or where it ever was. That’s maybe what it would have looked like if this happened in 2015.

Keep in mind a lot of what Dan and I have posted on this topic is about what should have already happened two months ago, if not longer, and how it would have worked. We’re frustratingly bemoaning the fact that it didn’t. I don’t think anyone’s delusional about what will happen now.

So they finally checked their e-mail and saw 17 unread messages from some guy named Dan?

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Someone knew was claiming a accuracy AB test. But I don’t remember who. I know Quest and Labcorpnare both advertising but Idk the underlying test.

And yeah, states are opening while cases are increasing. *we could sit at home and be safe and protect others, but that’s just what Coronavirus is expecting us to do”.


Biweekly post to say you guys have been a good calm in the middle of this storm and I appreciate you all even if we sometimes disagree. Seeing so many friends and family show up as pro-dying for the Dow Joans that I did not even know where Trumpkins via text and social media over the last 2 months has been by far the most disheartening thing.

It is a tough thing coming to terms with being surrounded by morons in a society that is hell bent on destroying itself to own (insert whomever/whatever here). A society that cares nothing about the poor and elderly. And you know what we all knew that. But seeing it play out in real time where a very large number are going to be slaughtered because of greed, incompetence and selfishness is very hard to witness and not lose it. Knowing the underlying belief is there and witnessing the consequences of it are two very different things.


That horrible model doubled its death projections so trump just made up a lie saying it did not include any mitigation.

Just 2.


Yeah, my mind is in some very dark places after reading that article.

The masses really only care about satisfying their capitalist overlords. It really does not make sense from a logical perspective. The brainwashing goes beyond even the most serious religious cult.

People are sacrificing themselves and their families for nothing in return except maybe those on money mountain will toss them a wink and a smile.

Vanderbilt undergrad and law school. It’s mind blowing

Bragging that I’ve already had it? Ok, I guess.

People getting pretty douchey, also.

The takes get dumber and dumber

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Police investigate KKK hood worn at US grocery store

Police in San Diego County are investigating an incident in which a shopper wore a white hood symbolising membership in the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) hate group to a grocery store in order to comply with a mandatory facemask policy.

The incident took place on Saturday, one day after local health officials ordered masks to be worn by residents whenever they are in public

A spokeswoman for the Vons grocery chain said the shopper had been asked by employees to remove the racist hood, but he refused until he had reached the checkout line.

The San Diego County Sheriff’s Department said in a statement Monday that they were not called to the scene on Saturday but are now investigating whether criminal charges are warranted.

Coronavirus found in the placenta

US researchers report the first known case of placental infection with pandemic coronavirus, also known as Sars-CoV-2. The experts from Yale School of Medicine say the 35-year-old woman was in the middle stage of her pregnancy (the second trimester) when she developed complications and needed hospital treatment.

She had very high blood pressure and some bleeding from her vagina -worrying signs in anyone expecting a baby. Ten days before that she had had the classic coronavirus fever and cough that we are all being told to look out for. An X-ray revealed signs of infection in her lungs.

Her blood pressure remained dangerously high - a condition that is called pre-eclampsia in pregnant women and can be fatal for the mother and the baby. The woman decided to opt for a termination of her pregnancy, which was at 22 weeks’ gestation, as her life was in danger.

Her doctors then sent off the placenta for further examination and found evidence of the virus. Experts say the pre-print publication, which is available online (but has not yet been peer-reviewed) is interesting but it is too soon to know what impact, if any, coronavirus has on pregnancies.

Prof Marian Knight, an expert in maternal health at the University of Oxford in the UK, advises: “The most important message for women must be that they should continue to attend for their antenatal check-ups while being vigilant about social distancing, particularly in the third trimester of pregnancy".

Trump is ending the task force because he’s planning MAGA rallies this summer and he can’t have Fauci upstaging him.

I hope they’re all the biggest, most closely-packed, beautiful rallies of all time!