COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

There’s not much point in paying for an antibody test if we don’t know that it confers immunity.

If antibodies don’t confer protection then isn’t a vaccine useless as well?

That photo caption:

“Taylor Boyd, right, a server with the Fenney Grill, takes the breakfast order of Richard Sullivan, left, of the Village of Marsh Bend, and his friend, Ed Riggs, visiting from Tampa.”



That’s exactly the concern about possible vaccines.

On the downside though there’s the certainty that x% of people who tested positive for antibodies will assume immunity and behave like arseholes.

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If antibodies don’t convey some degree of immunity then jman’s most dire predictions are going to seem pollyannaish.

Nuclear war?

Curious why you think 6ft distance may have little impact?

How does wearing a mask at a restaurant work? Take it off and on between bites?

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bUt HoW muCH diD ThE NoNsTEM DeGReE COsT?

But shouldn’t the default assumption be that antibodies do confer some degree of immunity? That’s kind of their thing. It hasn’t been proven to what degree that’s true but it also hasn’t been shown that it isn’t true.

Meh, immunity isn’t an all-or-nothing proposition.

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Especially when he argues, in the same post mind you, that close quarters contact leads to infection.

Well, in a sane world, we could theoretically learn from the mistake, like we do with other safety disasters (plane crashes, nuclear plants, factories, etc). It could also help policy makers realize just how dangerous labs like this can be, and cause them to devote more resources to making them safe.

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Engineering or English? I gotta know!

I don’t know anything about the development of vaccines, but I would assume that a vaccine would be tested enough to confirm that it does its job? I guess?

Beware of Mad Fat Cow disease.

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As I understand it, vaccines work by getting the body’s immune system to generate antibodies. So if antibodies don’t help, a vaccine won’t help. But like somebody said above, there are degrees of “help”.

I guess nothing is going to stop a big percentage of the population from doing whatever the fuck they want whenever they want to do it. Asking/telling them to take precautions just makes them angry and more adamant about NOT taking precautions. They’re toddlers. The rest of us can do our best to limit our individual risk, but the actions of all these other people make it much more likely we’ll get it anyway. With the amount of time between now and having a vaccine, if an effective one can even be developed, it’s just inevitable we’re all getting exposed.

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Kentucky showing the way.
