COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Really hard to know but this wouldn’t surprise me. I was working in Toronto and commuting on the subway in the couple of weeks up to the stay at home orders. During that time I had mild cold symptoms, but hard to differentiate a normal cold vs. mild Covid without more info. I did have one afternoon in the office when I suddenly felt feverish, it lasted just briefly and then went away. Was that Covid or dehydration? Who knows?

I would snap pay $500 for a reliable antibody test if one existed.


Time to panic buy your fillet!

‘Where’s the beef?’

US businesses are experiencing meat shortages which have partly been driven by outbreaks at slaughterhouses.

Wendy’s, the fast food chain that coined the slogan “Where’s the beef?” as an insult to its competitors, has taken hamburgers off the menus at nearly 20% of its restaurants.

"Some of our menu items may be in short supply from time to time at some restaurants in this current environment,‘’ Wendy’s said in a statement to Restaurant Business.

“We expect this to be temporary, and we’re working diligently to minimise the impact to our customers and restaurants.”

Costco is also limiting sales of pork, beef and poultry to three packages per shopping trip.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) there have been more than 5,000 confirmed infections at 115 meat processing plants across 19 states.

Not sure - I didn’t catch the entire conversation.

I agree that this isn’t over but I did think ‘50% of the French private sector is unemployed’ was misleading without qualification. Not that I expect many people to care much about the French private sector, so nit is fine.


I’m ready to go vegetarian for a while if needed. I’ve gained a little body fat in quarantine, and my vegetarian home cooking is lighter than my beefy stews and grilled chops.

I’m fine with being in lockdown but ‘no beef’ might be a step too far :slight_smile: (might have to review this as time goes on)


First they came for the TP, then they came for the meat, then they came for the fruits and vegetables.

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Not only is Wendy’s still open, they’re doing enough business to be running out of hamburgers. That says pretty much everything you need to know about this country.


The meat supply is all kinds of jacked up right now, burger shortages aren’t necessarily because they’re doing more business.

Speaking of testing, John Oliver’s main segment last night covered our failure in diagnostic and antibody testing.

The belief is 50% of the antibody tests being done are false positives.

I am going to eat Alex Jones before I eat fruits and vegetables.


My best friend (RIP) and I once stopped by the Taco Bell drive-thru late at night when we were in high school and they informed us they were out of beef. That was a first for us. Chicken tacos all around!


Public billboard space must be at all time low costs these days.

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most of the forum would snap pay that I suspect.

But until we’re more sure that antibodies offer some protection from re-infection, would it really change your behavior much at this point to know you’ve already had it?

I had wendy’s last night but had chicken. Just doing my part.