COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Or maybe the only new cases are imported… like Australia, New Zealand. Maybe all 3 are fudging the numbers for some unknown reason.

Or maybe the ultra-strict quarantine, immediate closing of travel between cities combined with the Chinese Government already knowing each citizens movements through extensive cellphone monitoring, and therefore who to quarantine enabled them to reduce transmission. It’s like the Chinese already had track and trace in place, some might say prepared for a pandemic (expereince from Sars)

But that’s my point, the closing of travel between cities was not immediate. It was done January 23, which is way too late if spread started in November or still too late if it started in December

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“We sent our young men during World War Two over to Europe, out to the Pacific, knowing, knowing that many of them would not come home alive,” he said, adding: “And we decided to make that sacrifice because what we were standing up for was the American way of life. In the very same way now, we have to stand up for the American way of life.”

I wasn’t responding to your point. But I think we’re still learning about the slower than average initial infections in each country i.e. France maybe having community transmission as early as December but not really getting run over until Mid March (after Italy anyway)

Trump dismisses report of 3,000 US deaths per day

President Trump has told reporters traveling with him to a mask production factory in Arizona that a federal government report leaked yesterday, which forecast 3,000 US deaths per day by June, was not accurate.

“That report is a no mitigation report, and we are mitigating,” he said, referring to the memo from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (Fema).

The president also defended state governors who have begun to loosen restrictions, saying that residents of those states are continuing to social-distance and take virus mitigation measures.

Trump adds that continuing lockdown measures would also take lives, through suicide and drug abuse.

This is one of Trump’s first visits outside the White House in over a month. The Secret Service has taken extra precautions on his trip to the Honeywell aerospace facility in Phoenix, Arizona - a key battleground state in the 2020 presidential election.

“We have great testing or they wouldn’t be allowed to travel with me,” Trump says about those travelling with him on Air Force One.

No. Wuhan was already well known for being a centre for exotic meat you’re not supposed to eat and that market isn’t one of hundreds of similar markets in China.

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Of course China has been deliberately under-reporting. That’s not to say that hundreds of thousands have died in Shanghai, a city of 25M, because, er, they haven’t. And that’s because Wuhan went into full lockdown on 23rd January but after some had already left the city for other countries (the first guy in Germany for instance) and cities.

Effectively locking down Shanghai (schools, restaurants) and 100% of people wearing masks from the start of February gave them a huge advantage over the rest of the world, quite obviously. That’s how exponential things work and it’s why we all wanted lockdown much earlier in the US and UK.


The lesson is Ivy League business schools are complete trash.

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Amen. I hear the words Wharton MBA and cringe.

I want a “I’m With China” t shirt on the front and on the back “Pompeo and Bannon are liars and clowns”

My boss has family in Chongqing - a city of 30M people. She said the govt shut the city down after just 10 positive tests there.

This is very much a “China has WMDs” push by the government.


As a math guy I was very dissapointed in chap 11 of This podcast will kill you.

They stayed at a 10,000 foot level. Didn’t name names and really didn’t go more than skin deep into the math.

The other chapters went into biology pretty mechinistically.

We don’t have the foggiest idea what the real count is like. It’s a country with a billion people and massive prison camps and they claim to have fewer death than the Netherlands. The numbers don’t pass the smell test, no matter how strict you think the lockdowns were.

I think face masks play a much larger part than people realise.

If they cut out 50% of the virus in and 90% out and everyone wears them, do the maths.

We get to hate yellow people more!

Isn’t there a China thread for this derail shit?

Sorry I understand why it’s important to some and figuring out how it spread may be important. But all the strain variant data says the dominant strain outside of China came by way of Europe.

At this point we just have to be patient that researchers are looking into it diligently. We need to be cautious because there will be a lot of conflicting info and some downright propaganda.

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How did their model go from ending in zero growth at 60,000 deaths to 134,000 deaths now in like ten days?

Watching fat decrepit boomers act like defying science because they are too selfish to care is equivalent to a WW2 solider’s sacrifice is peak boomer.


Trump and a bunch of idiots who won’t believe it was an accident lose their minds. Seems like nothing good can come of it.