COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually


**Who the fuck cares where it started. This is just another “dont look over here, look over there” magic trick.

And you fall for it every time.**


Re: our earlier talks about virus strains, this seems to match up extremely well with what happened re: CA/WA vs NYC timelines.

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It seems bizarre not to think that it’s important if the economy-crippling pandemic was the result of a lab accident or from the market.

So… I want to preface this by saying I really appreciate your posts ITT.

I think you, and a lot of other posters ITT, are living in a fantasy world where what we should do is actually possible. In real life everything in many states is opening over the next 2-3 weeks with absolutely no restrictions, and most will not even be wearing masks.

Honestly at this point there’s no point in even considering anything but an almost totally uncontrolled race to herd immunity, because that’s what’s about to happen. Right and wrong aren’t really relevant concepts.

A lot of people are going to die for the Dow, because the alternative would be to rebuild the entire economic system from the ground up basically. The only people who will get to stay at home are the ones with economic privilege. Everyone else is getting exposed and probably almost right away.


So what changes if we confirm it was an accidental release from a lab?

And who is driving the narrative at it was clear the American IC community said no? The Australians say no?

The same people lie to you every day

You have a terminal case of “don’t have a clue”

How long before “but her emails”.

Don’t bother replying, you are back on long term ignore.

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It certainly changes the severity of China’s coverup and obfuscation of how bad the virus would be.

It’s so much nicer in here now.

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Jesus dude. I don’t know where it started, and no one else does either. All I suggested was that it was possible, since as far as I know there isn’t any evidence available to the public to scrutinize if it originated from the market or from the lab. And I’d be skeptical of either claim being definitive until experts (certainly not anonymous intelligence agency leakers) can actually examine the publicly available evidence. It’s likely we’ll never know for sure, but if it is knowable it is certainly worth knowing.

So literally nothing changes in how we will or should respond to the pandemic? Trump gets some extra blame China points? Lol, it’s not important at all, it means nothing except humans suck at risk management.


Yes indeed. More broadly, I am a big believer in generally running more things like infrastructure through the military as well to coopt the right’s “support the troops” indoctrination of the US public. What I was getting at in my comment above is that I think by framing this as a foreign conflict the Republicans will try to avoid dealing with pandemic preparedness altogether and build more bombs. If we were tougher with China they never would have released Covid on us! Hillary invented Covid!

If you’re only looking at it through the lens of “how do we react to the pandemic now” then obviously it is not important.

I’m sorry if I’m misunderstanding something here, but you think the way to deal with the militarisation of your society is to make the military more responsible for more of your society?

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Guys I figured out the IHME calc.

RAND(50000,100000) and they just changed it to RAND (100000,200000)

There is absolutely no way COVID managed to spread around the world in a flash but somehow missed every other major Chinese city. Closing schools in early February would have been too late to stop it.

It’s clear that China is deliberately not testing and not counting cases.

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What? You don’t believe that there were exactly 3 new COVID-19 cases in China yesterday? What a cynic.


via Imgflip Meme Generator


What’s the over/under date before this becomes the talking point?

“With 1% NYC olds killed before requiring additional years of long term care, social security and Medicare will save $x thousand of dollars per death and it would be good if that happened nationwide.”

May 17??? (Hell I could be ponied)

Or maybe just not reporting numbers

No just labeling a bunch of actual good stuff “defense spending” so that Americans will like it. I’m not suggesting we give construction workers basic training.