COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Fade is confirmed not crispy rn

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Ok call what you want and let me know when youā€™re ready to risk the people youā€™re closest to versus folks you donā€™t know in other parts of the world. You will I assume be the first Iā€™ve met once you confirm.

Itā€™s the greatest MJ song.

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Random former survivor player and all around cranky guy gets it

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Randy is one of my all time favorite contestants

I can never tell if heā€™s playing with Rob, heā€™s a manic depressive, or what his deal is.

ā€¦for medicines that will never reach Africa tho amirite?

You and all your ungrateful lot are lucky the Japanese lost their cool on 12/7/41.

Fuck off


Very good read.

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What about the critical hairstylists that the rest of the world are obsessed with?

ā€œWeā€™re keeping our distance as best we can as there are a lot of people here without masks, which I think is a shame.ā€

Humans are too stupid. We are going to need a miracle to stop a second wave.

Isnā€™t there a lot of humidity in the air there? Seems like a sweet place for Covid to mix in.

Sure doesnā€™t need to be this way

But then we are just moving to enhance the disaster and future disastersā€¦


In addition to modifying the infection preventionist requirement, the proposed rule would also reduce the need for a facility-wide assessment from once a year to every other year and allow certain facilities to disregard a requirement that caps residents at two per room.

388,000 elderly die each year from infection in nursing homes and they want to reduce oversight and expertise because it is ā€œburdensomeā€. Republicans suck so hard.

Imagine being okay with these changes so nursing home companies can add a few dollars to the bottom line. The entire nursing home industry is borderline unethical as it is.

Iā€™d imagine the olds become far less reliable voters once they hit nursing homes, therefore very expendable.

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My point is that the thing you are appealing to in order to justify your rather gross parochialism doesnā€™t exist. Youā€™ll need to tell some other story,

Why are you such an extremist? You donā€™t need to throw your child into a gladiator pit in order to give a fuck about people on the other side of the world. Giving up a single $5 latte allows 10 Kenyan school children to be vaccinated against parasitic worms that prevent them from attending school and often lead to long-term health problems and sometimes death.

Yeah I think you misunderstood the entire exchange. The extremist was the person saying nobody in this forum gives a fuck about Africa. Apparently because we support the lock downs which might have a negative effect on other parts of the world. And also because something something jman man meow chow.

Iā€™m certainly not arguing that we shouldnā€™t give a fuck about Africa. (I think quite a few people in this forum do give a fuck about Africa, and in general about people less fortunate than themselves. Weā€™re just not up for sacrificing our parents and grandparents.)


Alton Bay was packed according to FIL NH is gonna get crushed soon