COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

I just got a call telling me “Congratulations! You have been selected for an 8 day, 7 night complimentary cruise from Royal Caribbean”. I am the luckiest person alive!


Hawaii Lt. Gov. doing messaging right, imo. Informative, realistic but encouraging, and a little bit of levity.

This was probably 10 years ago but there was a call I would get at least once a day of a tugboat horn blowing and then congratulating me on a free cruise.

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Interesting read.

A lot of our success is we are far less partisan.

And you know, you don’t have the most narcissistic and dumbest world leader in history in charge of your country.

Then again if a dem was president Republicans would legit block any relief at all for working people and force them to starve to death or go back to work just so they could hang it on the dem presidents head.

I kind of wonder if things would have been worse with a democratic president but with Mitch still in control of the senate. The federal response would have been infinitely better obviously, but if the senate refused to pass anything and people had to live on normal unemployment and no stimulus and little to no extra funding we would have been super duper fucked.


But the Democrats would have been able to successfully message against this obvious partisanship and put it squarely on the Republicans… Oh yeah you’re right we would have been just as fucked or more.


Jalfrezi was a shit poster on 2+2, and is a shit poster here. When this started in January he continued to make fun of everyone who warned this was going to be a big deal and whatabouted the flu, and malaria, and everything else. He has been proven wrong time and time again.

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I object to using persistently wrong views as a mark against posters on this forum. This may or may not be related to the fact that I am persistently wrong about things.


Relegated to phase 3 which he describe as “months, not weeks, away”. I had a haircut the morning after restaurants got shut down but before the lock down and cancelled it at the last minute haha. I could have had the freshest looking haircut this whole time instead of the mullet i’m growing out right now

they don’t really say but i’m guessing phase 3 includes allowing dine in restaurants with modification

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I read on the other site that Finland announced they are going for herd immunity now too. And they are actually targeting a specific R0 of 1.6 to 1.8 which I guess they think is the fastest they can go without overwhelming the health system. (Just a guess as I can’t find anything online, but the person who posted this on the other forum is well known and trustworthy.)

In 5 years it will be really interesting to see the research on which approach was best from both a total death and financial aspect. We are getting a rare natural laboratory of various approaches.

I haven’t been reading the covid threads since mid-March or so.

But if the following datapoint below is true about France, then it seems the virus must have been everywhere really early. Is there a good repository with excess death data?

New episode:


did they disclose that the cruise director was Dr. Kevorkian?

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Wonder if we’ll end up finding out that this thing originated in Europe and then passed to somebody in Wuhan and then really took off… Trump will have to call it the French Virus instead.

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We at DAY 15 yet?


Thats the 2nd nordic country, which I consider the best run countries in the world, who is going to yolo and tank this.

I wonder if it’s because on average their citizens are much healthier than most other countries? Their median age is both 42 vs 38 of US so it ain’t that.

This probably makes it more likely that it was a problem in China in early November, per the leaks from the intelligence community.

I believe they found someone who died of it in CA in January or February, much earlier than the first suspected case in the US.

Honestly I wonder how it was running around so early in countries before it blew up.

@Danspartan any ideas? It seems like this thing spreads like wildfire and if it was running around CA in January and France in December why didn’t we see it blow up much sooner?

Doesn’t seem plausible for this to be the case and then it blow up in Wuhan before Paris. And not just a little bit, Wuhan was locked down like two months before Paris. It seems very unlikely it didn’t start in Wuhan.

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