COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Still the only sane plan

Lock down hard for 6-8 weeks. Try to knock out close to an order of magnitude of cases.

Allow businesses a low workforce ramp up period. Maintenance for production plants. Addition of distancing measures including ventilation, air filtration etc.

Slow open with work 1st priority and gatherings last.

Money to people not tied to their jobs. Putting it through UE and PPP is nuts. Tax it up to 100% if you must based on 2020 earnings.

Use the 6-8 weeks to get real testing lined up.

Monitor. Maybe have another planned 3week shutdown in summer to knock it back down if it slowly rises.

Rinse repeat.


Ignoring the thing that can’t be ignored, I suppose so.

Until all money is worthless because no one trusts it, and we’ve returned to bartering, and if you’ve no valuable skills or assets to barter you’re totally fucked.

In my ongoing effort to persuade @microbet to join team murder hornet over team mosquito:

IANAB but I’d assume so.

Good news for the intrepid explorers among us who like nothing more than expanding their minds by experiencing new exotic countries and cultures!

Carnival to resume cruises in August

Carnival Cruise Line has announced plans to resume operations at the beginning of August despite dozens of deaths on cruise ships during the Covid-19 pandemic and investigations into the industry’s possible role in spreading the disease around the planet.

In a statement on Monday, the operator said eight cruise ships would resume operations from 1 August, sailing from Galveston, Texas, and Miami and Port Canaveral in Florida, once a no-sail order from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had expired.

This is the best I could find which is a 12 page press release:

The study did nasal swabs but they mention a second experimental study using anti-body test. That one isn‘t representative because they also chose some of the harder hit counties. They also only tested 293 people. They found antibodies in ~4.71% (95% confidence interval) of the population.
Both these studies were voluntary. About half of the randomly selected persons responded and agreed to participate.

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Well I missed that apparently and also asked why you had mentioned “UP” not giving a fuck about Africa, and that wasn’t mentioned.

You will never see a company like mine addressing problems like malaria. Simply because without a profit motive we get no funding. Problems like malaria need to be solved by govt funded research or by non-profits. That may upset you but it’s a simple fact that will never change.

Italy’s death toll far higher than reported - stats office

Italy’s coronavirus death toll is much higher than reported, statistics bureau ISTAT said on Monday, in an analysis pointing to thousands of fatalities that have never been officially attributed to Covid-19.

In its first report of the epidemic’s impact on Italy’s mortality rate, covering 86% of the population, ISTAT said that from 21 February, when the first Covid-19 deaths occurred, until 31 March, nationwide deaths were up 39% compared with the average of the previous five years.

Of the 25,354 “excess deaths”, Covid-19 was registered by the Civil Protection Agency as the official cause for 13,710, leaving around 11,600 deaths unaccounted for.

These occurred overwhelmingly in the northern part of Italy most heavily hit by the virus.

The statistics bureau said it was reasonable to assume these people either died of Covid-19 without being tested or that the extra stress on the health system due to the epidemic meant they died of other causes they were not treated for.

Starting today, more than four million Italians will get back to work as manufacturers, construction companies and some wholesalers reopen after two months of lockdown.

Starting today, more than four million Italians will get back to work as manufacturers, construction companies and some wholesalers reopen after two months of lockdown. Photograph: Emanuele Cremaschi/Getty Images

Officially, up to 3 May, the Civil Protection Agency recorded 28,884 coronavirus deaths, the second highest toll in the world after the United States. The tally only includes people who tested positive.

The agency compiles data from the regions on deaths of people who tested positive for the virus and issues them in a bulletin at 6pm every day.

ISTAT’s report, drawn up with Italy’s National Health Institute, confirmed the massive concentration of the epidemic in the country’s northern regions, where the vast majority of unreported deaths have also taken place.

In the northern region of Lombardy, which includes the financial capital Milan and has been most ravaged by the disease, deaths were up 186% in March from 2015-2019.

Looking at individual cities, the worst-hit was Bergamo, near Milan, where deaths were up 568% in March compared with the 2015-2019 average.

The nearby cities of Cremona and Lodi saw increases of 391% and 370% respectively. In Milan they rose 93%.

In Rome, Italy’s most populous city, which has been relatively lightly hit by Covid-19, overall fatalities were down 9% from the previous five years. The Sicilian capital Palermo also posted a 9% decline.

If we just do that for a country, then only safe until you start letting people in from outside. Even if we do this worldwide, COVID has nonhuman host species that can transmit to humans. So not completely safe until we eliminate the virus in the host species or eliminate the host species itself.

This is why it’s basically impossible to eradicate malaria. While not a virus, it’s a parasite with a complex lifecycle and multiple widespread hosts, including mosquitoes, certain monkeys and humans.

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I trim my beard and it is looking fine, lol at having a professional do it

Sweet. We get mice once in a while.

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Most here are nice but it only takes one or two opinionated arseholes to turn a thread brown (and this is easily the biggest UP thread). I’d rather draw a line under it, having taken measures to decontaminate my experience of this thread.

I understand companies aren’t charities; I’m not naive. The standard defence is to cite high costs of R&D and length of time taken to develop/test drugs that usually end up failing. Otoh what such companies are less happy doing is discussing the somewhat grotesque profits.

And you can bet your life if it was Americans mainly affected by malaria, some of the objections would soon disappear.

It’s not even a matter of pharmaceutical research from what I’ve read. If African countries had the same anti-malaria public health infrastructure as the US when the US eradicated malaria (bed nets, pesticide spraying of homes and some tactical destruction of mosquito breeding habitats) then malaria could probably be eradicated there too.

You don’t say…

Fair criticism. Although I’ve also seen some ridiculous arguments about the cost of manufacturing a pill being pennies when that’s not the true cost at all. I’ve worked on something like 16 or 18 programs in my career costing several billion dollars and not yet worked on anything that has attained commercial approval. Those kinds of risks don’t get funded without the potential for enormous payouts for successful programs.

Seems we are about to happily sacrifice thousands of American lives for profits, so I’m not so sure that is true.

When you back outsiders with a massive edge evidenced by your profits there really is no excuse not to put some aside for more benevolent causes. jfc even the Victorians did this, the same people who happily semt kids up chimneys to clean them. You’re stanning for arch-capitalists again.

It’s not a sacrifice if you didn’t intend it but blundered into it through sheer hubris and incompetence instead, knowing the condition of the rest of the world would likely provide you with excuses/deflections.

There’s no such thing as human nature.

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