COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Because the lock downs may well kill millions of people and he thinks people are not considering that very much because the people who will die will not be anywhere near or like themselves.


So glad you’re doing better. Thank you for sharing such good news to start Monday.

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I typed that before I caught up to this post :eyes:

Oh, I see. Well I’m not really sure anybody is ready to risk those closest to them to potentially save lives in other parts of the world. It’s not a realistic expectation imo. And it’s certainly not something unique about UP. It’s called human nature.

Do you have a link to the new study? Do you know if it was an antibody test?

The whole reason the Wuhan lab thing is being pushed is because the GOP and Trump’s administration are trying to deflect from his horrible handling of the pandemic.

People should not buy into it or help perpetuate it. When we are still at peak cases we need to be focused on what we are doing now, not what someone else might have done four months ago.

As this thing progresses they are going to push this harder and harder. They tried early on but the push back was too much. So they waited and are now trying again. We need to stay focused on “Why can’t we get adequate testing?” “Why are we not doing extensive track and trace?” “Why does the federal government not coordinate any of the response but wants all of the credit and none of the blame?”


This is a way of visualizing the death curve that has helped me a lot. I appreciate this.


Of course we never seize on these golden opportunities to learn more about the virus, we just herp derp around and think it will magically go away.

I really do not understand the global obsession with hair dressers.


I’d love to see some pics of how hipster side partings and beards are looking now.


I don’t know if it was real, but I saw one meme from a lady bragging about how good her hair and makeup business was doing.

“COVID has my business BOOMING.”

Someone followed up by saying omg please no one will do my hair, where are you located?

The lady said lol she’s a makeup mortician. COVID is killing so many people that she has endless work.


Haven’t trimmed mine in months. Don’t really need to brush my hair to be presentable either.

In my simple model I let my growth or extinction curve determine the number of cases. Then I use a empirically determined ratio of cases to deaths say 7 days forward.

If we accept we are at a net national R of 1 and we have been for 3 weeks and there is no reason to think it’s going net down then the deaths per day are going to stay around 2,000 per day for the next 3 weeks at least. As long the as the cases stay at 30,000 per day the deaths are going to keep coming.

Even if by some miracles we get down to 1,500 per day that’s 45,000 a month through June (assuming that early opening at least cancels out NY area declines). Looking at 150,000 total by the big Mt Rushmore party.


This is innate in humans, for sure.

Nobody is going to react the same to “This is going to kill your child” and “This is going to kill some child in Sweden”. We are wired to protect ourselves and those closest to us.

The long slow decline

Solid weekend drop

Daily confirmed COVID hospital and nursing home deaths since peak (from Cuomo press conference)
April 8: 799
April 9: 777
April 10: 783
April 11: 758
April 12: 671
April 13: 778
April 14: 758
April 15: 606
April 16: 630
April 17: 540
April 18: 507
April 19: 478
April 20: 481
April 21: 474
April 22: 438
April 23: 422
April 24: 437
April 25: 367
April 26: 337
April 27: 335
April 28: 330
April 29: 306
April 30: 289
May 1: 299
May 2: 280
May 3: 226

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I thought I was cynical, but then today I see NYT has receipts showing the Administration thinks deaths are going up bigly in May and is simultaneously trotting Grandpa out to argue for re-opening.

The President is openly advocating policy that will kill at minimum tens of thousands of people. Nobody in any position of meaningful power seems to care.


People appear to be tending to their own garden rather than telling other politicians what to do.

Of course, they should be condemning politicians for opening up early because it’ll just reinfect their garden eventually.

Did someone over the weekend have a graph/chart of NYC or NY vs ex-NYC or ex-NY cases/deaths? Can’t seem to find it now but swore someone had it.