COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually


Maybe COVID will go down in history a bit like Lyme disease. Which might have been released by a US lab. Very probably not, but it might have been.

(Some of the reasons advanced here for why it could not have been don’t seem very convincing to me, but that’s no proof of anything and I’m no expert. Apart from possibly the dude claiming he demonstrated it thousands of years ago, obvs.)

Also, in terms of the origins of the disease in various places, French media is reporting today that they’ve identified a case in Paris in December (hospitalised on the 27th), which must have come from community spread. Previous to this the first cases were in late January and linked to travel.

So far their sleuthing lets them say,

he could have been contaminated by his wife, possibly an asymptomatic carrier, who works near a restaurant serving Japanese specialties frequented by people of Asian origins. An investigation which needs further work.

Given how many sushi restaurants there are in Paris then that last sentence is of the “no fucking shit” variety.

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This is very interesting.

US hasn’t released any information yet with regards to first cases other than the suspected Euro introduction of Covid to NY and deaths on east coast as early as start February

I think Covid was in Washington State way earlier than the WH would have us believe. Late Dec, early January a real possibility there. May be earlier.


The headline itself is wildly misleading. All the conspiracy nuts are going to read that and it will even further reinforce to them that Covid is no big deal. Fantastic work CNN.

Is there any evidence the virus was released from a lab?

Yesterday Dr Maria Van Kerkhove - a lead member of the World Health Oganization’s coronavirus task force - told the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show that evidence suggested the virus was not man-made, and had a “natural origin”.

Throughout the pandemic, there has been speculation that the virus was released - intentionally or accidentally - from a laboratory in the Chinese city of Wuhan.

China rejects this, and there is no public evidence that it is true.

At a press conference, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said there was “enormous evidence” of it starting in a Wuhan lab, but didn’t provide any supporting facts.

A Washington Post article last month also revealed that US embassy officials were worried about biosecurity at one of Wuhan’s virus labs. However the Post conceded there was no evidence that the lab was the source of the outbreak.

When they find these large groups of people all asymptomatic it just means that most of them recently contracted it, correct?

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Yeah they need to follow a group like this to find out two main things:

  1. How many never get symptoms
  2. How many clear it and never develop measurable levels of antibodies
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An “intermediate host” animal passed the coronavirus from wild bats to humans, evidence suggests.

But while the World Health Organization says that the research points to the virus’s “natural origin”, some scientists say it might never be known how the first person was infected.

It remains unclear whether this host animal was sold in the now-infamous Wuhan wildlife market in China.

But the wildlife trade is seen as a potential source of this “spillover”.

Prof Andrew Cunningham, from the Zoological Society of London, explained: "We’ve actually been expecting something like this to happen for a while.

“These diseases are emerging more frequently in recent years as a result of human encroachment into wild habitat and increased contact and use of wild animals by people.”

Most likely yes. As Cuse said you won’t know anything unless you later somehow accurately get the data on how many became symptomatic. Also meat packing plants and prisons tend to skew younger as well so you would expect more asymtomatic/less deaths from these cases anyways.

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Shouldn’t we just treat the conspiracy nuts as incorrigibles?

One more doubling a little Potter county will have 1% of its population testing positive. But y’all keep goin to church and for goodness sake the Lord doesn’t want you covering your faces when you come to tithe errrrr worship.

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Cases in Germany likely to be 10 times higher than official number, researchers conclude

More than 10 times as many people in Germany have probably been infected with the coronavirus than the number of confirmed cases, researchers from the University of Bonn have concluded from a field trial in one of the worst hit towns.

The preliminary study results, which have yet to be peer reviewed for publication in a scientific journal, serve as a reminder of the dangers of infection by unidentified carriers of the virus, some of whom show no symptoms, the researchers said.

The readings come as Germany took further steps on Monday to ease restrictions, with museums, hairdressers, churches and more car factories reopening under strict conditions.

About 1.8 million people living in Germany must have been infected, more than 10 times the number of about 160,000 confirmed cases so far, the team led by medical researchers Hendrik Streeck and Gunther Hartmann concluded.

“The results can help to further improve the models to calculate how the virus spreads. So far the underlying data has been relatively weak,” Hartmann said in a statement.

The team analysed blood and nasal swabs from a random sample of 919 people living in a town in the municipality of Heinsberg on the Dutch border, which had among the highest death tolls in Germany.

To arrive at their estimate, the researchers put the town’s number of known deaths from Covid-19 relative to the larger estimate of local people with a prior infection – as indicated by antibody blood test readings – and applied the rate of 0.37% to country-wide deaths.

They also found that about one in five of those infected showed no symptoms.

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This is an example of a science speak trying to fully convey what they know and what they don’t know. Sadly the politicians in bad faith somehow twist this into saying: see? Told you so!

Your interpretation is correct. Naturally occurring and patient 0 is unknown if it went from wild or wet market out or if instead the lab assigned with IDing these things screwed up containment.

Seems to me the most advanced country on earth (with the CDC which until recently had a pretty awesome track record) would want someone in country to report on such things. But I guess not, but as it turns out what we cannot see can hurt us.

That was a week ago Tuesday actual press briefing wasn’t it? :grinning:

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Even in the white collar world… we had a prep lab manager named Julie. She was late 20s and liked to go on cruises with her girlfriends (not that kind of gf’s you perverts). We had PTO for both vacation and sick days and she was not going to lose any vacation days. Her boss finally had to send her home as she trying to hide out at her desk with 103 fever and pneumonia one day. Henceforth she was known as Typhoid Julie.


C’mon just admit it. The hydorxychloroquinone did the trick.

Glad you are feeling better. Got the weight off your chest two ways.

Date on zoom. Find a girl with mutual interest. Build a plastic divider in your abode. Invite her over and start a 14 day countdown clock. Live in parallel. When the timer goes off tear down the plastic barrier and…profit. Bonus points for sending her home right after.

Rinse repeat with girl #2.


Glory hole ftw


Another point in the 10x category where there is at least a decent amount of direct virus testing.

Good news IFR is probably in that 0.5%ish range.

Bad news- multiply the number of positives x 10 to get the number of carriers out walking around (presumably the vast majority of missing cases are low to no symptoms).

Btw I fully agree that following that missouri(?) plant with all those cases to find out who is truly asymptomatic, presymptomatic, etc would be an excellent study.

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