COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually


You’re going to be in rough shape if your future van life plans take you anywhere that isn’t the west coast, desert, or urban core.

I don’t mind using bug spray. Also, I’m not a weenie about mosquito bites. They’re worse than hornet stings is all.

Van life is better on the West Coast/desert anyway by a long shot. Lots of open free land that is comfortable in the winter or summer depending on altitude.

lol, climate change is going to bring malaria to the first world, and we’re so badly prepared for it.

At least we’ll have plenty of unused hydroxychloroquine!


Republicans: How DARE you invoke Nazi Germany in criticizing these, uhh, immigration hospitality facilities???





Hitting large numbers of non-Africans is what it’ll take for people to start taking notice of something that kills hundreds of thousands every year, and for some so-called liberals/lefties here to stop dismissing it.

You mean COVID-19?

From what I’ve seen they are stating that there is no evidence that it’s man made and/or that they don’t think that it’s man made. I’m not saying I buy that conspiracy theory, just that it’s an important distinction.

I don’t think they’ve ruled out that it could have accidentally come from that virology lab in Wuhan that was studying coronavirus in bats. In fact, it seems to be a reasonable possibility - it’s near the wet market, so it’s near where China thought ground zero was for the virus. They were studying this. There were intelligence reports in the US government that warned that the safety measures there weren’t really up to the proper standards. China has not been transparent about releasing much information on this. So it’s possible.

Obviously anyone/everyone in the US government should shut the fuck up about it until it is known for sure and the information is out, there is no benefit to the US to start playing the blame game here… But the GOP gets political benefits from it, so away we go.

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Trump’s going to have one hell of a tough time figuring out who the very fine people are. White cops, white Trumpers… Yelling at each other.

Quick, someone show him this video!. His entire brain could short circuit…

Fuck off troll

This needs to be an SNL skit. Weekend Update teases an interview with Trump, then starts doing the news. Cut to Trump in the green room, watching the newscast on a monitor while Pence is lovingly applying orange fake tan cream.

Newscast: Experts recommend using household disinfectant, etc, etc…

Cut to Trump: Calls Fauci, asks him if eating Lysol wipes would work.

Newscast: Bleach can kill it in as little as a minute.

Cut to Trump: Spots a bottle of bleach in the corner, pours some in a cup, goes to drink it, Secret Service agent bats it away.

Newscast: Murder hornets have made it to America, their sting can kill an adult.

Cut to Trump: Calls Fauci, “Tony, stable genius idea here, what if… we swallowed these murder hornets, and let them sting the virus in our lungs? That could work, right?”

Cut to Fauci: “New phone, who dis?”

Bonus points if you get the real Fauci.


At least mass numbers of people are not contracting the virus without symptoms. Because that would be bad without massive testing and tracing.

[finishes story…]

And kids, that’s how Johnny got himself killed by an alligator and why you never jump in the swamp!

My murder hornet removal plan is to kindly ask them if they’ve considered that they might fit in better in Australia. Maybe they’ll just see themselves out.

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I need the journalists to pull their heads out of their asses and start distinguishing. Were they asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic or are we waiting to find out?

Because there’s a big fucking difference and it’s pretty fucking critical to figure out. If huge chunks of people who test positive are totally asymptomatic that has major ramifications on IFR, infection rates nation wide, and even treatment research…

Hypothetically, it’s possible that huge amounts of people are asymptomatic either because the virus is unable to get into the cells in the parts of the body that it does the most damage to or because their immune system is able to fight it off so easily they don’t get noticeable symptoms. In either case, it seems like we should be poking and prodding at these folks to find out why.

We should also be doing follow up antibody testing on these people every 1-2 weeks, because if they don’t ever need that many antibodies they may not even show up on a screening a month or two later, which has major ramifications on trying to figure out what percentage of the population has had it and/or is still susceptible to it.

But, we can’t do any of this shit because we live in America.


I agree. Plus at a place like that people are desperate to keep their job and they might just lie about having symptoms. Many of the symptoms are not observable.

But that is a fundamental problem we have. We don’t keep testing people, we test them once and move on. It is ridiculous. We continue to not understand how the virus works because we continue to fail to collect proper data to analyze what is going on.

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By the way, update on the dating situation… I broke things off on Saturday. It was a mess (she was really upset and seeing her that way made me really sad), but it was the right thing to do and what had to happen. Looking forward to getting back out there in… [checks COVID-19 data] … ummm… late 2021? Hopefully?

Been a weird couple months… On 2/27 I was on a date with someone else. A few days later I had stopped talking to anyone else and was exclusive with her. Around 3/8 or so I’m locked down here and in total isolation. I start getting settled into that routine and coping with being totally alone here, in a physical sense, then on 4/11 she comes to stay with me temporarily/indefinitely. Three full weeks together 24/7, and now it’s back to total isolation. The place has definitely felt a bit hollow since she left, it was nice having her here in plenty of ways even though it wasn’t going to work out.

And I’m not even referring to the sex, I don’t even want to think about how long this COVID-19 dry spell is going to be. The o/u probably has to be around 8 months or so. Dunno if dating is going to be a thing if we get enough of a summer slowdown or not, but if not it’ll probably be a minimum of a year before dating can be done in any normal way.

Anyone have any experience being single and dating in he time of coronavirus? I keep hearing about Zoom dating? I guess people video chat a few times, decide what level of precautions they’re comfortable with, then quarantine and chill?

Let’s see here, let me workshop a dating profile:

Single male, 33, seeks equally terrified and panicked liberal woman who believes in science and understands exponential growth. Interests include N95 masks, disinfecting til my hands turn red, and incessant news-reading. If your apartment also contains a decontamination zone, we’re going to get along just fine. Bonus points if you know how to plunge a toilet without creating an apartment-wide flood plain.


Oh and an update on whatever I had going on in my respiratory tract (with the pain while breathing), it seems to be totally gone now. The heated humidifer with the CPAP definitely made a difference, one day it was actually getting worse, I took a nap with it, it got better, then slowly got worse that night til I went to sleep. Slight issues yesterday, none today. Hopefully that continues to be the case.

I slept with the heated humidifier on my CPAP on, took Pepcid morning and night, and two days I chewed a little bit of nicotine gum. The overwhelming likelihood is that it was not coronavirus, between the statistical longshot I would be to catch it, the mildness of the symptoms and the short duration of all of it… But I figured those “treatments” were all freerolls with very limited side effects, given that the symptom timeline was concerning.

I do have a couple other theories - including some sort of weird burn/irritation from a little bit of some very spicy food going down the wrong tube, but I’m not sure why that would be worse each night and better after sleeping.

Anyway, seems like all is well on the wellness front!