COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

12 million people live in Wuhan. It is a massive city. I don’t think it is that much of a coincidence.

Big city has biolab. Big city has wet markets. Seems very likely that both those things are true.

Both those things are likely true for New York City too, and they had a worse outbreak than Wuhan.

Obviously the US should be focused on how it started while still at peak infection.

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I hate to be the one that tells you this but I think your grandmother works for the GRU

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If you had to put a number on it, a strong possibility means that there is at least an x% probability that it is true for what value of x?

I dunno I’m bad at that and I haven’t really dug into it a ton because it doesn’t matter that much to me. It’s something above 5% and less than 75%.

Agreed. In fact I’d say it’s more likely than not. Certainly not tin foily at all.

There are no BSL-4 labs in New York and only like 50 in the world.

Has anyone posted about this yet?

In Flint, Mich., a security guard at a Family Dollar store was fatally shot on Friday afternoon after an altercation that the guard’s wife told The New York Times had occurred over a customer refusing to wear a face covering, which is required in Michigan in any enclosed public space.

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Yeah, BSL-4 labs are very special and rare. We only have 12 total, and one of them is in Hamilton, Montana, not some big city (a good thing for humanity, imo). Level 2 and 3 labs are all over the place in comparison. It may well be that this place in Wuhan isn’t actually adhering to BSL-4 standards, but it is uncommon that they a place would even try to.

You’re using the wrong metric. You need to be looking for weighted population density, rather than just population density (which is weighted only by the geographic size of the entity, rather than the population experiencing this density). For one of many cases, the virus doesn’t care that Michigan has a massive upper peninsula with ~3% of the state’s population living in it.

After a tiny bit of googling this beautiful soul somehow carried out the actual calculation I’m talking about using census tract data. 2010 data and who knows if it’s right but it’s gonna be much more illuminating than just gross population density, and eyeballing it you’ll see a much better correlation (top 10 states include NY in the overwhelming #1 spot, plus CA/NJ/IL/MA/PA).

This is yet more evidence that the US is simply ungovernable at this juncture. We should give up and start over again. Maybe this time try not being a nation of slaveholders.

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Gracias. I was not wanting to work hard enough to split states into major metro and “outstate”.

County is in the database but you get a bunch of random noise for the sparse places due to accounting and testing inconsistency.

I will replot when I have time. Thanks again.

I will kill the murder hornet without getting stung or maybe just shoo it out of my house. The mosquito is going to bite me and it’s going to itch like crazy for a week or more.

But 80 wet markets.

This really shouldn’t be surprising or much of an observation, but it’s kinda crazy how well that list tracks red and blue states.

Interactive case map by county in Texas

Not much fun.

This reminds me of a truly horrific insect story. Long time ago I got a chocolate shake at a jack in the box. After finishing the shake I saw there was a cockroach stuck in the straw.


No swamps left. Trump drained them all.

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Gee, I guess its cured. Absolutely no way we see an uptick in numbers on Tuesday. Not no way, not no how.

I think you have mosquitoes confused with something else. Not that I have any love for those fuckers, but for most people the reaction rarely lasts more than a few hours and is pretty mild.

I know what a mosquito is. For me anyway they itch like crazy and definitely last for days.