COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

One possibility is that Trump is a straight sociopath freerolling to national emergency powers.

With his “miracle” talk and Easter prophecies and all his bullshit he was hoping to get lucky. A quick resolution would’ve “proved” him right.

Well, if he’s wrong then the number of deaths increasing flips to a positive. More reasons why he needs to enact unprecedented (fucking hate this word now) executive authority. Just need the required partisanship and dissonance for this plan to come to fruition.

I would be tempted to go with something like, UNITAID sounds a lot like UDATARD. Coincidence? I think not.


I hearted because grandma was able to fit 7 boogeymen into such a short rant. Wow!

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No she shared somebody else’s writeup.

Lots of people were hopeful and disappointed.

What if we inject them straight into the lungs?


I’ve gone to 7 day rolling averages. With most curves essentially linear, it gets rid of almost all the noise and day of the week bias. Tired of looking at low weekends and high Tuesdays.

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Here’s another grandma share. I mean I feel like I need to respond, but every time I type something up it basically amounts to “JFC you are a fucking moron.” And I feel bad saying that to my grandma.

[Holocaust Picture]

"“During the Holocaust, they convinced people to put their families on trains (for their own good/safety) so they could be taken to a “safe place”. We all know the result of that. Have you ever heard of history repeating itself? I watched in horror as the police in China hauled a woman by both arms and both legs, shoved her in a van, and took her to a “camp” for COVID victims. We’ll never know what happened to those people. And with what’s taking place right here in our own country, don’t think for one second that it couldn’t happen here. We the people have proven just how quickly the government can take over all aspects of our lives. We complied based on fear tactics…some of which are very untrue, and magnified/sensationalized to get you on that “train”. Please read. It’s for the good of our country.
Mark Levin is a very smart lawyer who worked in government during the Reagan administration. He knows his law.

  • MARK LEVIN: “To be clear. President Trump hasn’t shut a single business. The Governors did.”
    "We are seeing the most draconian measures ENFORCED at some STATE & LOCAL LEVELS of government that we’ve ever seen in our lifetimes, and yet, rather than being alarmed by the things going on, so many of you applaud.
    President Trump’s guidelines are VOLUNTARY & TEMPORARY but some Democrat states & cities are taking it one step further, extending the lockdown and CRIMINALIZING behavior. Bill Gates wants to keep America locked down for 10 months! THAT’S WHAT LIVING UNDER A COMMUNIST REGIME LOOKS LIKE, AND YOU APPLAUD.
    People are being arrested in some states for spending too much time outside, and you applaud.
    Pastors are being arrested in some states for daring to hold church services, and you applaud.
    A child’s birthday party is raided by police, and you applaud.
    A young woman is ticketed for going on a leisurely drive alone because it’s deemed “non-essential travel”, and you applaud.
    A father is handcuffed & arrested in an empty park for playing softball with his 6-year-old daughter & refusing to turn over his ID, and you applaud.
    A lone paddleboarder in the ocean on a beach without any other people around is arrested because he’s violating quarantine orders, and you applaud.
    Businesses are being forcibly closed and padlocked and owners arrested for refusing to shut down, and you applaud.
    Dairy farmers are being incentivized to stop dairy farming and to sell their herds, and you don’t seem to understand the implications.
    You’re being told to use hotlines and online forms provided by your local governments to report your neighbors who don’t obey, and you comply.
    You scold people day after day for not obeying government edicts, and if any of us dare to question what’s happening, you lecture about how we’re a danger to society and we just don’t care about people dying.
    You’ve somehow managed to convince yourselves that the people whose lives are affected by a virus are MUCH more important than the people whose lives are being destroyed (and in many cases, leading to death) by the effects of a worldwide economic shutdown and impending worldwide depression the likes of which no one has ever seen before.
    At what point will you start QUESTIONING what’s going on?
    At what point will you ask how the virus got here from China?
    At what point will you question why the fake news keeps defending the Communists?
    How far do you have to be pushed before you’re jolted awake from your slumber? How far are you willing to go with this?
    If they told you to load your families onto train cars so that you could be taken to Virus Protection Facilities for your own safety, would you do it?
    YES. Yes, you would.
    That much has become painfully obvious to me. And the whole time, you’d be shaking your finger and yelling at those of us who refused, accusing us of being “a danger to society” and "not caring if people die.“But they don’t have to load you onto train cars and take you to Virus Protection Facilities, or force you to comply, because you do that voluntarily.
    The fake news controls your mind. They control you through fear. They control you by convincing you that the world is a scary dangerous place, but they’re here to protect you, care for you, and keep you safe, just as long as you OBEY.
    They know that as long as you’re locked inside your comfortable home with Netflix, Hulu, CNN, NBC, ABC, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and a cell phone, you’ll comply. No force is necessary for the majority of the herd.
    Bill Gates even wants to mandate antibody tests. ONLY those who are immune from VIRUSES will be allowed to leave their homes & work. YOU ARE IMPRISONED, willingly, and you’re too blind to see it.”
    I will not be blinded!
    I will not be controlled by the government!
    Amendment 1
  • Freedom of Religion, Speech, and the Press
    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
    Copied & shared"

And another:

“Well the Democrats have successfully killed our economy with this virus. They got just what they wanted, to see Trump’s economy, the highest economic growth ever in this country, to die. Our oilfield will be just what Joe Biden said, non-existent, oil dropped to -$36 a barrel. That’s right negative $36 a barrel. It’s a shame that a political party would celebrate the death of it’s own country just to see the president fail. Democrats you failed this country by putting your hate for one man ahead of the millions of Americans you’re supposed to be helping. America should be ashamed of the politicians who left us behind because they hate president Trump. This man made virus has given the government total control of everyone, no one is working, our oilfield died, businesses closing by the day, socialism is here, some of you better be ready to not only fight to get your country back, but to fight to survive the coming months. If Trump’s not re-elected in November you are seeing first hand how our country will be under socialist Democrat rule. [#wakeupamerica]”

I think I saw something like this the derps were crowing about. It’s like April 15 data or something but somehow they were conflating with current data and saying the Covid coverup was lying and doubling the number of deaths.

The CDC ain’t tracking shit in any organized fashion.

You mean like the Australian assessment of Papadope-alous(?).

Fucking Boomers, man. I will die on the hill that they are uniquely horrible.


When they were young crime went up. Now they are old, crime is going down. They* all ate lead paint or something.

(1/14/65, gen X by two weeks)


Population density has a fair bit to with case density.

Some interesting outliers

Primarily NY (which considering NYC has a region with massively high population density) but also 3 states with bad outbreaks IL-LA-MI

Of course on the low side is FL. Reporting? I suspect if there was a “median” density number as opposed to just an average over a state it might make a difference.

Why do you have a pool guy in late April/early May if you live in Canada?

With queens that can grow to two inches long, Asian giant hornets can use mandibles shaped like spiked shark fins to wipe out a honeybee hive in a matter of hours, decapitating the bees and flying away with the thoraxes to feed their young. For larger targets, the hornet’s potent venom and stinger — long enough to puncture a beekeeping suit — make for an excruciating combination that victims have likened to hot metal driving into their skin.

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It makes me feel like I’m wearing tinfoil on my head, but it sure doesn’t seem impossible to me that the outbreak started in a lab. I don’t think it was intentional, and I definitely don’t think it was intended as a weapon, but as this person says

“It just seems like such a remarkable coincidence that you have an outbreak of a coronavirus in theory from a bat in the same city where there is this high-level BSL-4 laboratory, where not only are there foreign concerns about its safety, but there are Chinese articles about the safety protocols not being sufficient. And obviously there’s no smoking gun,” said Emily de La Bruyère, a China expert with Horizon Advisory. “It’s all circumstantial, but it’s pretty remarkable.”


Kink shaming is not allowed here.


Gilead has a drug patent sharing subsidiary that is completely owned by different people?

Seems unlikely if you ask me. I think these people are just confused is all and once we can get the true story I am sure they will change their mind and say “Oh, no big deal then!”


They have to prepare the pool for “Swim Week”.


I’ve always thought accidental release is a strong possibility. There’s nothing tin foil about imo. They were literally studying bat viruses at that lab in Wuhan, which the US complained about years ago as not secure enough to do what they were doing.

That China would fuck themselves and their best customer intentionally is where the conspiritards always want to take thing. It’s like if the conspiracy actually makes sense they’re not interested.

Gotta have Dick Cheney blowing up Tower 7 for [reasons unclear]. Also in on it are the international media, the port authority and some kind of evil perfect secret keeping demolition crew who can work undetected planting charges in an occupied office building for months. Now THAT is a sexy conspiracy.