COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Yeah prevalence of multi-generation households or closely-located household clusters seems to be a big one from what I’ve read.

The sad part is that people get it instinctively but (by design) have no tangible way a grasping the true extent. Things are deliberately fogged so you can see hazy outlines but nothing is ever defined that’s why you get videos like this

where we all get a good laugh at the nuts who can’t really explain what they’re annoyed about. But the gist is actually accurate. There will be a technological divide between the haves and have nots, bill gates does want poor people dead tangentially, the government is 100% going to get more draconian and have further crack downs as we slide rapidly towards fascism. 5G conspiracy is nonsense but it represents the coming automation apocalypse that people can’t comprehend the true extent of. So they retreat into “understandable” false realities.

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And the idiots are back in full force on Facebook. That stupid thing everyone kept posting about “No proof you are immune because you had covid once” has now morphed into: “ZOMG - you can’t get it twice - OWNED LIBTARDS - open up now!”

I think it’s because they murder bees specifically.

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Yah how bout no. I’m not sure I can think of a worse way to die right now.

This is really sad. Families in poor parts of Guatemala are putting out white flags meaning they need food.


If mark cuban was president and the Mavericks won the nba championship would mark Cuban meet himself in the White House?

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Pretty sure Morpheus from 22 does the tossing then posts a meme about it.

Car crashes kill 1.25 million people per year. How many people have murder hornets killed in the US? Oh that’s right - 0. Sissy ass liberals. Let in the murder hornets!





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Thank you Glenda.


Glenda for POTUS

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Oh yeah? Well heart disease kills way more people than ms-13 so check and mate!

Pollution levels, not temperature / humidity (imo).

Climate’s early warning system

Maybe, but it could be some of both.

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Top US diplomat again says China to blame

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has blamed China for the severity of the coronavirus outbreak, telling ABC News that the country “had the opportunity to prevent all of the calamity that has befallen the world” but tried to “conceal and hide and confuse” information.

The Trump administration has in recent weeks increasingly pointed the finger at China, in what BBC correspondent Barbara Plett Usher wrote recently was a co-ordinated effort to reframe Trump’s handling of the pandemic ahead of November’s election.

When asked about an unproven theory that the virus was manmade - a notion President Donald Trump has also repeatedly suggested - Pompeo said he did not disbelieve the theory, claiming “the best experts so far seem to think it was manmade”.

But last week, the US intelligence community stated that it agreed with a scientific consensus that the virus was not manmade or modified.

When asked about that assessment live on the show, Pompeo reversed course, saying he agreed with the intelligence analysis and had “no reason to doubt” its accuracy.

The secretary later said he couldn’t answer whether the virus was intentionally or accidentally released as “the Chinese Communist Party has refused to cooperate with world health experts”.

US city eases mask rule after violent threats

In Stillwater, Oklahoma, officials softened a requirement to wear face coverings in stores and restaurants on the same day it went into effect, after people were threatened for trying to enforce it.

City Manager Norman McNickle said a number of local business staff were “threatened with physical violence and showered with verbal abuse” on 1 May - within three hours of the rule’s enactment.

In one case, someone threatened staff with a firearm.

McNickle said those with objections mistakenly believed the requirement was unconstitutional.

But it was just a show of “respect and kindness to others” he said.

The city government still recommends wearing a mask but it is no longer mandatory.

Read more on the US pushback against Covid-19 restrictions here.

Wait until you feel the pure intoxication of judging everyone who isn’t wearing a mask