COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Remember back in March when GameStop decided they were essential and were not closing, but then they closed all their stores?

I was talking to a friend of a friend and they said they were going to Gamestop. I told them I thought they were all closed but since Texas opened up Friday maybe they reopened. I decided to call the nearest GameStop to find out.

Me: Are you guys open today?
Upgse: Yes, but we only let a couple of people in the store at a time.
Me: Thanks

Now it is entirely possible that GameStop rushed to reopen this past Friday under cover of the Texas order, but I am suspicious. Once they announced they were closing all their stores the spotlight turned away from them. Donā€™t even know if they actually did close them all, or if they did, they kept them close for very long.

Some businesses are sub essential. Game stores, hair salons etc etc. not only can we live without them we should try to live without them.

Disagree. Both are a form of art.

Not sure if Iā€™m serious or not yet.


Seems obvious they know the results in the USA are unfixably bad and their next move is to try and pin it on China as bio-warfare. It will probably work.

The Belarus peeps are off to the football today and the PM said that Vodka will be the cureā€¦ Canā€™t find a link, but this seems to be the worst set-up in the whole of Europe.

I seriously hope USA donā€™t attempt to cancel the $13t (?) debt that China holds without undisputable evidence - but I suspect that is Trumps move - anything is possible

Might make US bonds worthless in the future though

Weaponising the troops, devious.

Worth less certainly but not worthless. Not Trumpā€™s worst idea ever honestly. Complete trash for sure, but an improvement from his last few weeks.

Donā€™t really know anything about the real state of Russia internally. I always assume that mainstream western media is an awful source of both facts and analysis, but I have no reason to want to defend Putin.

In case youā€™re asking me because of my username, then Iā€™m a British person who lives in France. (Fingers crossed soon to also become French and complete my escape.)

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Wait maybe I got you mixed up. I thought we had an actual Russian on here. Maybe @zarapochka?

Doesnā€™t the US still owe ROW $$ for the ā€˜Spanishā€™ flu?

Remember, the scientists are stating this isnā€™t man made and didnā€™t come from a lab. I know itā€™s tough watching your business shrink but donā€™t fall for the propanda

I mean itā€™s just sad that the WH is shifting blame - sounds like a conspiracy at this point

Real heroes donā€™t get PTSD! OWNED!


The weird thing to me is, how triggering are Muslim women to these snowflakes?

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Oops. From KZ I believe. No actual Russkies here. Well, as far as we know.

I thought the gal said ā€˜Germanyā€™ but I could be (am often) wrong

Have a read of her blog, itā€™s quite interesting.

Anachronistic might be Russian (half joking).

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She was born in what today is Kazakhstan but emigrated to Germany in her teens with her parents.


You actually think I care about the right and wrong of it? They have a meaningful amount of culpability just because it originated there and they bungled the first few weeks.

You missed the part where I was damning him with faint praise. That being said having an excuse to cancel 13T of the US national debt and set the Chinese back quite a few years economically is at least moderately appealing.

The reason not to do it is that it would almost certainly be the end of the USD as the global reserve currency. Itā€™s not a very safe asset if weā€™re going to refuse to pay you back if you piss us off.

Then again I think electing Trump was good enough to end our reserve currency status if there was any justice in the world, so getting 13T out of it isnā€™t all bad. It was going to end sooner or later anyway, and our wanton printing in this crisis made it more likely than not in the near term.

Can the US even function without imports from China?

Well should be fairly familiar with the Soviet Union I guess.

I also texted my old boss whoā€™s Russian. But I always wonder if heā€™s still worried to talk about things like this over text.

We could function but completely ending trade with China would be much more economically catastrophic, especially in the short term, than Covid ever dreamed of being.

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