COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Same. I am thinking once this is over there will be an uptick in fixing homeowners half finished or screwed up projects.


Here in lol Ohio people are just plain done with the social distancing. Stores are packed, very few masks, exactly what you’d expect from this disgraceful excuse of a state that I can’t wait to abandon.


City Manager Norman McNickle issued a statement about the change and the controversy surrounding mandatory face coverings:

“In the short time beginning on May 1, 2020, that face coverings have been required for entry into stores/restaurants, store employees have been threatened with physical violence and showered with verbal abuse. In addition, there has been one threat of violence using a firearm. This has occurred in three short hours and in the face of clear medical evidence that face coverings helps contain the spread of COVID-19.

“Many of those with objections cite the mistaken belief the requirement is unconstitutional, and under their theory, one cannot be forced to wear a mask. No law or court supports this view. In fact, a recent Federal lawsuit against Guthrie’s face covering order was fully dismissed by the United States District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma.

“It is further distressing that these people, while exercising their believed rights, put others at risk. As mentioned, there is clear medical evidence the face coverings prevent COVID-19 spread; they are recommended by both the CDC and the Oklahoma State Department of Health. The wearing of face coverings is little inconvenience to protect both the wearer and anyone with whom they have contact. And, an unprotected person who contracts the virus can infect their own loved ones and others.

“It is further well settled that a business is private property to which people do not have unfettered right of entry. Just as a business has the right to enforce ‘No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service,’ the business can require a face covering as a condition to entry.

“The City of Stillwater has attempted to keep people safe by the simple requirement to wear a face covering to protect others. It is unfortunate and distressing that those who refuse and threaten violence are so self-absorbed as to not follow what is a simple show of respect and kindness to others.

“In that effort to ensure the safety of others, we now have to weigh the safety of store owners and employees to threats of violence. We cannot, in clear conscience, put our local business community in harm’s way, nor can the police be everywhere. Accordingly, we will now be asking our local stores and business to encourage, but not require, patrons to cover their faces. Of course, each business can choose to adopt a more stringent approach, and we ask everyone to respect and abide by such decisions.

Wearing a face covering is an easy way to support the health of your community and speed our recovery from this pandemic. Please do so.”

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“This is Oklahoma, these colors dont run, we dont negotiate with terrorists!”

“Let me in your store without a facemask or I’ll kick you in the nuts and shoot you.”

“Yessir, right away sir, right this way sir.”


I’m so glad it’s you saying that, not me, but it is the view from abroad when we see TV pictures of the protestors.


Somebody tell me how my fatalism is somehow incorrect lol. This thing is going to kill the maximum number of people possible.


Its 100% true. We havent had an ounce of hardship in this country and when we face down clear and explicit tyranny (such as the suspension of rights by locking up people of color crossing the border or shooting black people in routine traffic stops) these fuckos not only dont say a word, they cheer in response.

But the second Cheryl cant go downtown to get her asshole bleached because she might indirectly infect an entire retirement home, its fucking TYYRRRRANNNNNNYYYY from the rooftops.

Fuck these selfish fucking pig assholes


It isn’t wrong I just think most of us are hopeful there can still be another outcome.

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I would agree with this. I took care of my dad for ten years with Alzheimer’s/dementia. Short of chaining them to their bed, imprisoning them in their room you are not going to be able to convey any sort of boundaries to them that they will heed.

I had to eventually put key locks on all my doors because otherwise my dad would get out.


There’s a wide range of possible outcomes, even assuming that Trump and the red states handle it as badly as possible.

You arent wrong.

We had a chance, but we just opened a large section of the country at the height of most curves, and in the states where we havent, these pigfuckers are gathering in giant fucking groups because they dont get to be lazy fucking layabouts on the beach.

So, fuck it, this second wave will be a nightmare and we wont shut down a second time, which will further exacerbate things. Make sure to give Nana and PopPop a kiss, because they might not be here much longer.


I went out today for my longest outing for 6 weeks and am pretty shook by how no one seems to give a fuck about not getting coronavirus. At Target, where they will just bring your order out to you car and put it in the trunk, the pick up spaces were blocked by people who parked there to go inside because the lot was so packed. Cars everywhere. It’s insane.


Meanwhile everybody here is pressuring me to go back to work for very non-essential projects. And I live in one of the saner and better run parts of the country.

I know Dog-Derail is over but I hope this picture brings someone a tenth of the amount of happiness it brought me.



Of course people are YOLOing the actual President has been saying it is either a hoax or over by May 1st or 60k max deaths for 3 months. It is now May and we passed 60k deaths plus we flattened the curve so its time to get back to normal. A big section of the country trusts Donald/Hannity over science, media or libtards.


Where are you? I’m in Ontario north of Toronto and all our folks are coming except the cleaning lady and dog walker. I’ve had a plumber come to fix a burst pipe, and they came in before house and everything. Only difference was no handshakes, no physical billing. Our outdoor people (pool guy, yard guy) are both coming weekly.

Our pool guy works alone. The landscape guys that clear our leaves did come in one car. I didn’t know the province had a ban, certainly not being enforced where I live

I’m probably naive, but I think the 2nd wave will shut things down much harder than the first wave.

We got through the first wave without overwhelming hospitals. But of course these idiots think that means we overreacted. So now we gonna find out what happens when hospitals are overwhelmed.


We are super super fucked. As other posters have pointed out the average middle class white American has lived a relatively blessed life without any hint of real systemic tragedy. They simply have no frame of reference for an event like this.

This is going to kill exactly as many people as are available for it to kill… and it’ll do that AFTER it’s done massive economic damage because we’re apparently trying to do this as badly as we possibly can. At least the Swedes were like ‘fuck it we’re tanking this’ and then went ahead and tanked it. We’re going to blow up the economy, then reopen it and take max carnage anyway.

This country really does deserve this too.