COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

That could well happen, but at least we can take solace in the fact that the Democrat won in the important Wisconsin race in which the Court fucked up. Perhaps that’s what will happen in other states if they get screwed over in Nov.

Not me, but my best friend from law school grew up in that area and knows the guy.

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I feel like Alex Jones would eat his neighbors even without a lockdown.


Shouldn’t that be “give me liberty AND give me Covid-19”?

Or if we keep the lockdowns in place does she want us to go to her house and inject her with the virus?


But what if they were just renters?

You’re assuming a 100% infection rate.

The Diamond Princess isn’t the best example for the WAAGTD mob to use. Despite being in an enclosed environment where it was feared the virus would run amok, and despite widespread criticism of quarantine procedures and an absence of HEPA filters on ships, only 19% of everyone on board contracted the virus.

For your numbers to be right you’ll need multiple waves of infections and no herd immunity, which may or may not happen - my point, as ever, is that we simply don’t know yet so it’s too early to pull the millions dead emergency cord even if it does gain a lot of attention and traction here.

I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope she’s able to avoid it.


The crazy thing about the math is even if only 50% are eventually infected and only 1% die that is still 250k+the under 65 deaths.


I don’t know what protocols they will be implementing now but I’m sure they will implement what is necessary/what they can. The nursing home was screening every worker before each shift so hopefully somehow it’s only the worker who is infected and it didn’t spread. but ya not a good situation for any nursing home to have staff test postive.

You forget that they are already old and thus near death so not that big a deal.


The hardware stores have been packed the whole time because everybody who is stuck at home has decided to do all the projects around the house they’ve been putting off for months or years. And the packed hardware stores are one of the big reasons I’m not working right now. I’m not going to subject myself to that idiocy for somebody else’s project.


So we know cases are going to go up. Let’s just take that as a given.

What is going to be the party line developed by the right to explain it away/deflect/justify keeping the fires burning?

At some point they will be forced to transition from “it isn’t that bad here” to…something else. And that something else won’t be “please lock us down”.

I thought I read somewhere that within the severe dementia wings in some nursing homes once COVID appears among some of the patients they don’t really enforce distancing (and most families don’t object) because the staff and families feel it would be cruel to put these very impaired and confused people in quarantine.

It would be cruel, close to impossible, and entirely pointless to try. You’d have to literally lock them in their rooms 24/7 and it likely still wouldn’t do any good because they’re still sharing a closed environment and interacting with staff.

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Some combination of denial of reality, its just olds dying and making up bs about how the lockdowns didn’t work the first time so…

The only problem with this is I think most of Europe recovers much faster than here because they had much more strict and longer lockdowns. It seems obvious almost every Euro nation outside of UK/Sweden have pretty much reached the downward trends that you would eventually want to see. In the US we have reached basically a plateau with Rt in betwern .9-1 with the half assed restrictions we did have. Restrictions that are now ending.

If we suddenly start having 50-100k new cases a day I think they will have a hard time convincing the public with their bs. If we stay in the 1500-2500 deaths a day and 25-35k new cases a day range as we move forward I think it will probably work. I’ve even had a GOP friend of mine text me this week that he expects us to stay around 2000 deaths a day until we reach herd immunity and he thought that was a good outcome. So it is going to take a lot to pierce the brains of the moron class/right in this country. Add in the fact literally everyone is in denial about what is happening and basically everyone wants this to be over and if you give people any plausible cover they will take it.

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They will just continue with the same “Cure can’t be worse than the disease. more people will die from depression/hunger if we stop, yada yada yada bullshit.” that they have been pimping since the whole “We have to open TODAY” movement started.

Anyone else have an ideological shift in their daily mindset and routines? I used to be super fast paced in everything I did. Shower quick, coffee quick, hurry back from dog walks, etc… Now I just take my time with everything. I’ve been measuring out my water and coffee to the exact grams, long showers, enjoying beers more. Hopefully I can train myself to carry this over post COVID, seems healthier.

Edit: I also took 3 bubble baths last week. They were fucking awesome.


Hopefully you’ll still be able to fit into your tub by then.