COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

That’s crazy to think about. 1K out of 22K official, confirmed cases likely means more like 5K real cases right now. Even if the curve starts to flatten here they may see 50% of the town infected on the first wave. I truly hope they got the mild strain, if that’s a thing.

Fiasco is a top 10 word imo. I need to use it more.

Got sick in Krakow when I visited. Never got to visit Auschwitz. Sorta jealous.

I’ve been to a few other camps but Auschwitz is probably something special

I don‘t know if it‘s something to be jealous of and Prague to Auschwitz is almost a day trip distance, isn‘t it?

My Auschwitz-experience was super surreal. I went as a high-school teacher with a group of German student (roughly half of them with ancestors who didn’t live in Germany during WWII).
We had a Polish tour guide who grew up in a neighboring village and was born in the early 1930s.
The two things I remember the most about it, was the talk I had with two of the students with immigrant parents struggling with their own German identity. „The Germans I know are not like this place, but if I want to be German, I have to accept that this place is German too.“ Made me realize that this is a struggle I had too, only they had more of a choice.
The other thing was a busload of Japanese tourists who speed-toured the place with cameras rolling the whole time, while chatting rather loudly. Pretty surreal experience.



I could see this happening.

Beware the telephoto shot.


I use the word fiasco at work all the time. They keep trying to get me to call obvious disasters “opportunities” instead, lol.

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I visited Krakow years before moving to Prague.

I’m a fan of WW2 history. Been to Dachau, Sachsenhausen, and Terezin. Bummer that I missed out on Auschwitz.

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I’m really counting on the Miami Herald. I see that Julie K Brown and team Of Epstein fame have started in on Covid case/death Counts. Florida’s numbers make no sense.

Masks mandatory? We are about to find out how effective cloth masks are.

Yay Covid-19 you nasty little disease. I wonder if these are just 3 standard deviation tails or if this is significant enough to adjust the typical 14 day contagious period.

Yes, according to the guy who tweeted that pic.

Man dressed as grim reaper stalks Florida beaches

A Florida lawyer has been stalking local beaches dressed as the grim reaper.

Daniel Uhlfelder is protesting against what he considers to be a premature reopening of Florida beaches after a shutdown was imposed on 19 March.

His menacing black cloak, mask and scythe were in stark contrast to the swimwear of beach-goers, who seemed unfazed by the protest.

Uhlfelder believes there is a danger of spreading the virus and prolonging the recovery.

“I think we should take better measures,” he told a local television news crew. “It’s too soon, it’s not appropriate.”

He began a “tour” of local beaches on Friday, with the campaign aiming to raise money for Democrats running for office.


Oh great, another reason for people to write off whatever they don’t like as fake.

Me too. Sign didn’t ring a bell. I’ve even read a significant amount about holocaust denial which is all about the details.

Auschwitz is the most intense place I have ever been. I can close my eyes and feel it completely. I can’t think of another experience in my life that is close.

It took me days afterword for feel ok again.

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Yep. Reynolds has blood on her hands.
