COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Yep. But instigating enough and basically putting the armed minorities in a position where they either had to completely back down, or deal with the tanks and drones. Basically what we did with the American Indians - and the exact opposite of the way these armed white assholes are dealt with.

Anyone who doesn’t see this is racist AF.

Given that the Governor, JB Pritzker, is Jewish, I think she’s more knowing than you’re giving her credit for.

(Also, Holocaust Museum is legit. The first time I went was on a school field trip and everyone received a card with the name and some biographical info about someone who lived during that time. As the tour concluded, we received a second card that told what happened to the person. My person was a girl who died in one of the camps a few weeks before it was liberated. She had been my age. That really shook me.)


God this is so depressing to watch. It’s been so painfully obvious we as a country are too fucking dumb to do what is needed to squash this curve 1. I hoped maybe we would at least wait until curve was decreasing.

Nope, we are opening up just as the curve is flattening. God I hope I’m wrong that wave 2 happens, and I hope it isn’t half as bad as I think it will be.

(But fuck Trump is tying his reelection to this. Team corona? Fuck you Trump for even possibly me saying that)


My 81 year old dad has been in total isolation, supposedly, for weeks. I drop his shopping at the door and talk to him wearing a mask from the lawn.

His girlfriend threw him a birthday party with her son’s family yesterday. Inside.



I’m rooting for a lockdown, strongly suggested by Trump at Fauci’s urging, sometime in late October. Not even Hannity will be able to satisfy the base at that point.

Maybe. I would typically share this skepticism, but I don’t think the South will fare all that well given the high rates of poverty and co-morbidities, and I don’t know if they will be able to Baghdad Bob overflowing hospitals and morgues. I think it’s too hard to hide the bodies of US citizens.

That sounds like crazy talk…but I’m not sure it is crazy at all…


Anyone who isn’t on TeamAuthoritarian at this point is either a Euro ignorant of US history/government/sociology or a dyed in the wool Koch approved libertarian/covidian masquerading as “principled leftist”; like the scumbag ACLU defending Westboro Baptist

Trump can’t decide vote by mail, and the recent SCOTUS decision (while bad) actually reinforced the right to absentee voting. It just didn’t expand it in the way it should have to make absentee voting easier for everyone involved in the process (voters and vote counters) during a goddam pandemic.

Alarmist crap like this

should be given short shrift.

All 9 Justices support mail-in voting.

I don’t think anyone has mentioned this yet ITT.

Gallup has over confirmed 1000 cases (almost a third of New Mexico’s total cases) in a city with a population of about 22k. 44% Native American, 32% Hispanic, it’s located near the border of the Navajo reservation.

For those wondering why Gallup, I did find this:

Federal health officials have linked the severity of the problem in Gallup to an early outbreak at a detox center that was followed by infections among homeless people. Complaints about people flouting social distancing and face-mask requirements at Gallup stores are widespread.

Maybe average voter nationwide thinks that.

I’m guessing the average voter in GA will have a family member/friend/coworker in the hospital or dead.

Aw shit, I also remember that little card. And then there are the shoes, Taken either before or after mass execution. There’s this museum exhibit of a great big pile of empty shoes and the whole room smells of leather. My aunt lost her shit. So fucked up. Holocaust Museum is basically doing a very good job.

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They learned the first time around though that you can only hide that stuff for so long. Eventually you have to shut down again or face people dying in hospital hallways and policies being issued like Italy’s 60+ just stay home.


I am Lazlo. Funny thing is I almost took a job with an e-sports company. I would be such a fish out of water.

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I somehow stumbled on a youtube video where the guy was driving a semi truck with a flatbed trailer through a muddy dirt road in a wooded area. And it was slipping around. Also there was a bronco or something that apparently could be used to pull the truck out of the mud if it got stuck.

That’s it. That’s the game. And he spent almost the entire time just doing shoutouts to people who donated between 100 and 1000 gold points or something.

No idea what gold points convert to, but he went nuts when the 1000 came in and put a big triangle nuclear symbol up over his head - all while still driving the flatbed through the mud but really not commenting on the game (?) at all.

So weird.

It’s been a little over 20 years since I went to the Holocaust Museum as a 7th grader and it’s still the most memorable museum experience of my life. I still remember those shoes. Anyone that has a chance to go should 100% go.

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+1 to remembering the shoes but not the sign

Auschwitz itself is quite an experience. They have a giant room of shoes as well, among other things. On return to Krakow I urgently required alcohol.

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