COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Iowa gov is murdering people for money. Plain and simple. Already announced if you get called into work, not feeling safe is no excuse. No unemployment for you unless you actually get sick.

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Illinois Nazis. I hate Illinois Nazis.


AM RADIO IN IOWA: The growth curve is so perfectly exponential it has to be fake!


Last I heard, Mississippi deemed basically all businesses essential.

It really is when your state ranks dead last in pretty much everything.


It would really be an amazing time to be someone who specialized in infographic videos. Weā€™re begging for some ā€œUS excl NYā€ charts right now, and the whole western part of the midwest has been just awful: basically still in exponential growth.

As anyone whoā€™s dealt with me in the gun thread knows, Iā€™m an avid civil rights activist, so Iā€™m very conflicted about this. I certainly donā€™t like the government telling people they canā€™t travel freely. That said, as in poker it always depends. We are in the middle of a global pandemic that threatens the lives not just of those who donā€™t give a shit, but they are risking the lives of others. This easily could be looked upon as a wartime situation. I think curfews are perfectly unreasonable and that making masks mandatory when in public closed spaces is simply prudent and a good idea. I donā€™t feel my rights are being violated and to the extent that they may be, it seems perfectly acceptable under these circumstances. Allowing armed demonstrators at city hall is pure nonsense. The jerk in me says let these people congregate and whoever wants to have at it. I feel sorry for their friends, family, and loved ones, but isnā€™t it a fact that the more people who get it, the quicker we reach saturation and is starts to dissipate?

I think that now makes a clean sweep of every latin America expat group I follow that these guys have showed up on. Theyā€™re doctors!

Police shoulda been cracking skulls.
Police should have also cracked the skull of that Nazi in Illinois and then thrown her in a pit to starve to death. No lawyer for you.

Beto was right. Seize every one of these dumbasses guns. If they resist, put them in fucking gulags idgaf.

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Can you imagine a cop spraying pepper spray all over an armed protestor because they wonā€™t disperse? How the hell would that work?

When this pandemic is over, itā€™s about time for black people to start showing up armed to the teeth like the Black Panthers used to. Or lol Muslims. That would be worth the price of admission.

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Stfu. Thatā€™s stupid.

Arrest these white terrorists before things escalate.

As someone who is vehemently anti police, that doesnā€™t go well over with me. Itā€™s a slippery slope. This are unprecedented times in my lifetime, so Iā€™m willing to cut the government some slack that I normally wouldnā€™t. Iā€™m willing to follow government guidelines because I think itā€™s reasonable and the responsible thing to do. That said, Iā€™m also all for exercising oneā€™s rights for unreasonable means. So yeahā€¦ Very slippery slope for me here

Ignore anachronistic - he mostly trolls. I think heā€™s actually trying to convey the opposite opinion. But who the hell knows.

Honestly, one of the primary reasons I got the Arbeit Macht Frei reference is that I saw it at the National Holocaust Museum. Anyone ever been there? Seen the big pile of shoes? Pretty fucked up. I went there with some relatives once and everyone lost their shit. Itā€™s a pretty great museum in terms of waking you the fuck up.

Anyway, the most fucked up thing about the Arbeit Macht Frei thing is that both the Jews and Nazis of the 1940s understood that the slogan was a cruel joke, a kind of proto-trolling. Fast forward to 2020 and people actually believe this shit. Like, donā€™t get me wrong here, Karen is definitely trolling with her Nazi references. But at the same time, she also sincerely thinks her 9-5 wageslave job as a Subway sandwich artisan is the path to freedom, we need to be OPEN FOR BUSINESS. Itā€™s the servile mentality the Nazis wanted to beat into everyone who walked under their iron gates, but of course none of their prisoners were that fucking stupid.

Itā€™s like, even the Nazis of 1940 knew they were trolling their deathcamp laborers with their inane slogans, but the Midwest covidiots of 2020 actually believe this obsequious garbage.


And gleefully wishing for blacks and muslims to arm themselves like these white twats isnā€™t trolling

Fuck off

Ok back on ignore for you. You had a glorious few weeks in the sun there.

Slippery slope is a copout.

They are terrorists.

It is hate speech.


I know it from watching enough documentaries.

Also exactly like you mentioned, it instantly stuck with me because it really ties in with a lot of deep concepts about disinformation and propaganda (like 1984 war is peace stuff) that I get very worked up about. The Nazis were basically bad faith taken to its logical extreme.

Like the Sartre quote that couldnā€™t have resonated with me more:

But one key with proto-trolling imo is there are always people who arenā€™t in on the joke and actually do believe. Thatā€™s the whole point. You get the ironic troll crowd and you get the true believe nut crowd - even though the two would never actually interact or get along IRL. You get two for the price of one by using doublespeak.

Also Karen doesnā€™t work at a wage slave job. Sheā€™s probably a real estate agent and her husband is a general contractor or regional supervisor.


I imagine the cops using tanks and drones, not pepper spray.