COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually


I wonder how many of these are paid protestors.

I mean companies got a crazy amount to lose by continuing to be forced to stay closed. Itā€™d be a drop in the bucket to them to get some paid protestors to start a commotion and draw in more people to create a scene.

I donā€™t get it.

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Nothing to get, just a German phrase that means work sets you free


ā€¦ that hung on a sign at the entrance to Auschwitz.


It was a slogan the Naziā€™s used, most famously above the entrance to Auschwitz.

At this point, Iā€™m not sure whether to be happy to be a NYS resident or not. Upstate but not Albany upstate. Numbers in my county seem to be good superficially, but I already had a relatively close connection to a person who passed (doctor, not family member) in early April from this virus.

This meat shortage stuff has me shitting bricks if Iā€™m being honest; unless they designate Pabst Blue Ribbon a meat, then Iā€™m good.

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Heil just means Hail afaik

Interesting I didnā€™t know that. Thanks.

How about you get fucked instead.

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Is this an invitation?


I didnā€™t know it. Iā€™m not sure why I would or should know about a sign at Auschwitz. It seems like trivia that isnā€™t necessary to understanding the horror of the Holocaust. Itā€™s possible I have read about that fact and not bothered to retain the information because itā€™s not important.


lol, that escalated quickly


I knew the English phrase, but I certainly didnā€™t recognize it in German.

We are going to need another Friday night fun derail I see. Kittens this time?

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Dogs are scientifically better than cats though. :grin:


Now Iā€™ll get me dander up. Wtf does one week out from opening up mean with this thing?

It takes a few days for symptoms to show up. Letā€™s see where Georgia is the middle of May.

Early 30s white male, didnā€™t know it was on the entrance to auschwitz. Iā€™m pretty sure Clovis is early 50s white male

Goddamn sometimes I wish you needed a license to practice journalism. How fucking stupid can you be ā€œDay two after the state reopened businesses and everything is A-Ok!ā€

Without being patronising, Iā€™m legit surprised that there are people on this forum who didnā€™t know what Arbeit Macht Frei means and represents.

In other news, the UK has handled this whole thing disastrously and will have the second worst death count on the planet very soon. But thank god I donā€™t live in America. Iā€™m so sorry for you guys.