COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Yup. My state is open for business but I am part of a two attorney practice and we are staying closed at least until June because we could become major Covid vectors and sicken or kill our clients. It is a weird spot to be in.

All of my hearings since mid-March have been on the phone and while I wait in these dockets for my case to get called at least 75% of the other attorneys have their clients physically in their office with them doing the hearing. They are morons but I am probably at a major competitive disadvantage also.

Iā€™m not. This sucks.

Iā€™m obviously staying home, but I really really hate it.

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When you say young Iā€™m assuming you mean 42.


Illinois the new leader in the clubhouse for daily confirmed new cases! Congrats! At least you did it after we had this thing cured since Trump canā€™t sail the completely contaminated death ship USS Comfort there.

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Orange County protests:

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I think a lot of people might be in for a bit of a surprise when they realize that, while the confirmed case number might be relatively flat, ā€œeverywhere but NYā€ is really picking up the slack and things are growing more than the overall case number suggests. And there are a lot more "everywhere but NY"s than NYs.


Meanwhile in OKC we are OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!! One of our malls had a line of unmasked people waiting for it to open. We are all so very fucked.

Boy, waiting in a line, unmasked, at a fucking shopping mall in 2020 during a pandemic ā€œjust to see whatā€™s different.ā€ Thatā€™s itā€™s own tier of asshole.


Knowing her she would say its fine but personally be terrified. This whole thing has her scared and anxious. So I wouldnā€™t put her in that situation.

I dunno Iā€™ll be ok, just gonna be tough. Once we get at home testing I can revisit precautions and maybe getting laid :rofl:


Malls are still a thing in 2020?


Whatā€™s different is all the stores are now out of business.


I went to one last fall because I needed a suit tailored and upon reading reviews, there was a guy with a shop in the mall that was well-regarded. Turned out great!

Also, thereā€™s a Think Geek store in my local mall, which is kind of fun to visit once in a while. But yeah, malls are depressing nowadays.

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Advantage of not being able to sleep: I checked at 4:00am and they had some TP in stock, so I ordered a couple packs. Already shipped.

I went outside today. It was weird.

I need to mow the lawn this weekend. Iā€™ve done it twice since the shelter-in-place stuff, but itā€™s been a while and I think Iā€™ll need to add a machete to the front of the lawnmower.


This is terrorism. If that dude is shedding virus those cops are going to get it. Period. He should be thrown in jail.

Now letā€™s all just imagine a BLM protestor doing the same thing.




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NY going to end the day with less than 10% of new daily confirmed cases for the first time since this started. At their peak they were nearly 50%. And we are still nationally close to peak numbers in cases and deaths after 45 days of lockdowns. Nowhere outside of NYC is anywhere near their respective peak.


Can we not do these jokes please?

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Ja. Iā€™ve even started doing a shopping list for next weeks trip to the supermarket. I can barely contain my excitement.