COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Everywhere is relaxing stay at home orders. It’s insane but it looks like we are sacrificing grandma and gramdpa for economy.


Damn, you could probably get a GoFundMe and make millions.

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Can’t wait until Lt Gov Patrick in Texas takes the motto of trade in the olds, for a seat at the governors desk.

Would really continue one of the most ridiculous runs of state governors imaginable.

Heh moms a solid progressive Bernie supporter.

i feel like maybe after I can get my hands on some at home test kits with quick results I can risk hanging out with a girl. Just quarantine each other in our rooms for a day or whatever until I can test. Though I guess that will depend on how long after being infected you should be able to test positive.

@Danspartan any idea on how long after being infected you should be able to test positive?

Until then I’m a sad panda


Will be interesting to see if there’s a upswing in new cases over the next two weeks.

Very real chance we have 10 or more states with 1k+ new confirmed cases for the first time today and most of them are getting OPEN FOR BUSINESS. You LIBTARDS are going to be so mad when that cures it.


I read that one company has built a toaster-sized analyzer, but I sort of doubt it will be feasible for home use.

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Where are all these surprise 1k results coming from? States ramping up testing?

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Actually, maybe there will be at-home testing. Wonder how much a model like this plus immunoassays will cost.

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When I was in law school there was this one professor who was way past his prime. He would call on you and if he thought your answer was wrong he would say in the most insane nasally Oklahoma drawl “Well that’s one way to think about it” and then say “lets put that answer over here” and procees to write it in impossibly small Willy Wonka contract print in the bottom corner of the whiteboard and then proceed to ignore it. This is literally him:


More people would take that offer than we’d think.

Nothing like martyring yourself to own the libs.

Indiana opening May 4th. My ass still isn’t going out to bars or restaurants and hopefully not work. Kinda getting used to this…


Gotta admit. I’m sort of feeling the same.

It’s actually becoming a chore to go out and do things.

I think I am going to start using that with Trump supporters. “That’s one way to think about it.” And just move on.


Ive used it for the last 10 years in those situations. Works great you just have to remember to not engage at all after you say it.

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So the basics for NH:

  • Hospitals open again for time sensitive elective procedures
  • Campgrounds open for NH residents only with specific unstated rules around more limited capacity
  • Hairdressers can open for cuts and coloring only, appointment only, no waiting room use, and masks required by employees and customers
  • Retail open with certain rules (In practice it seems just about every retail place had remained open anyway)
  • Golf courses open for NH residents only - no driving or putting ranges and no clubhouse use
  • Restaurants can add outdoor seating to takeout with certain rules in place about max party size and PPE requirements for employees, also NH residents only

Not sure who is supposed to enforce the rules for NH residents only for campgrounds, golf, and restaurants.

Pretty sure Sununu just said that people who were not comfortable returning to work due to CV-19 could continue to collect UE benefits.

Edit: some of this stuff starts now and some May 18th.

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My doctor assures me the virus cannot spread through nude Zoom sessions. Time to up your game :crossed_fingers:


I’d be curious what your Mom would say you should do.


As a whole I’m scared of getting it but I am way more scared of spreading it.

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At least two days from what I’ve read. Personally if you have known contact I think you gotta wait a week. Test at 3 and 7 days.

(More conjecture than fact on my part)

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