COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Thank you. But yes it had to happen. I just need to stay strong and keep it ended during this pandemic’s isolation.

Yes, Zoom dating is apparently a thing but I know very little about it. Not even sure where you find prospective dates.

I did some online dating on AOL way back in the 90s with limited success. I say limited because until you actually meet someone in person, after endless nights texting, you have limited ability to truly know them. I thinking that that limitation may be improved with the addition of a camera.

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I hear that can be a great way to meet a romantic partner.

Something like…

Woman seeks man with small penis and smaller brain who’s very creative about compensating. Must love guns. Meet me at the statehouse at 2pm and show me what you’re packing.

I realize this says something about me, but I am attracted to the idea of someone intelligent but naive who I can educate and make a better person. It makes me feel like I am contributing something to the relationship because, let’s be clear, I doubt that sex with me is that awesome.


My last long term relationship was like this and it was kinda cool. Makes you feel needed, useful, and like you said helping someone grow. She didn’t pay any attention to politics before and now shes pretty progressive and always votes.

She relied on me for pretty much everything, and I think part of it was she liked me being in that role as well. Like her authority figure.

She was also pretty selfish and emotionally immature which is probably common with that kind of person.

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I’m reluctant to engage in a relationship on these terms because it seems like I am trying to justify using someone and because it feels like I crave a codependent relationship.

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Must…not…kink shame…!

This all sounds very familiar, but not really the type of relationship I want to be in, I like someone who can give me a run for my money and push me on stuff too.


It depends on the state, but it’s not like anyone is going to enforce anything. I think all states had some sort of, “no groups larger than 2 unless you all live together,” rule. It’s more that every extra person you spend time indoors with increases your chances of illness exponentially, which is extra bad if you are or see someone who is higher risk.

I found the perfect girl for you cuse :crossed_fingers:


(A) Country is going to open for business and we don’t even have enough tests for all the Senators. (B) the ones with symptoms shouldn’t need tests b/c they should be at home, not flying back to DC and then hanging around the Senate.

200,000 7 day tests is close to 20,000,000 same day tests.

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Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:


This fucking idiot…

US President Donald Trump has appeared to undercut his own intelligence agencies by suggesting he has seen evidence coronavirus originated in a Chinese laboratory.

Earlier the US national intelligence director’s office said it was still investigating how the virus began.

But the office said it had determined Covid-19 “was not manmade or genetically modified”.

China has rejected the lab theory and criticised the US response to Covid-19.

Since emerging in China last year, the virus has killed 230,000 people worldwide including 63,000 in the US.

The pandemic has seen at least 3.2 million people infected, a million of them Americans, since the virus spread from the city of Wuhan.

What did Trump say?

At the White House on Thursday, Mr Trump was asked by a reporter: “Have you seen anything at this point that gives you a high degree of confidence that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was the origin of this virus?”

“Yes, I have. Yes, I have,” said the president, without specifying

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Donald Trump’s musing over whether cleaning people’s lungs with disinfectant might treat the coronavirus caused a furore but it may be the US president’s pushing of anti-malarial drugs that does far more lasting damage to his administration.

There is building anticipation over the content of an upcoming whistleblower complaint by Dr Rick Bright, who last week was abruptly removed as the head of the federal government office working on a vaccine for Covid-19.

It is understood that Bright is still working on the details of the complaint before lodging it with the Department of Health and Human Services’ inspector general.

Bright, a vaccines expert, has claimed he was removed as head of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (Barda) because he resisted an effort to expand the use of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine to treat Covid-19. The drugs, approved to treat malaria, have yet to be proven effective for this new use but have been repeatedly promoted by Trump, who has called them a “game-changer”.

“I am speaking out because to combat this deadly virus, science – not politics or cronyism – has to lead the way,” Bright said in a statement, adding he was concerned about “efforts to fund potentially dangerous drugs promoted by those with political connections”.

Dr Rick Bright, the former head of Barda. Photograph: Reuters

Bright’s lawyers, Lisa Banks and Debra Katz, subsequently claimed their client was pushed out of his job solely because he “resisted efforts to provide unfettered access to potentially dangerous drugs, including chloroquine, a drug promoted by the administration as a panacea, but which is untested and possibly deadly when used improperly”.

It is expected that Bright’s complaint, when revealed, will shed new light on the political pressure exerted by the Trump administration on health officials to back up the president’s sweeping praise of the drugs as a key weapon against Covid-19.

It’s become more clear than ever that the south/midwest is going to open all the way up and fudge the stats, then the GOP will blame Democratic leaders for fumbling their response, while withholding additional aid to force them to reopen and ride it out. Trump will play cheerleader to the recovery, touting the miracle drug of the week.

I’m resigned to it. Who’s going to stop it? Pelosi? She could force a government shutdown, but I don’t think they need a new CR til November. Schumer? Lol. Biden’s the leader of the party now and he’s hiding from everyone. And what are we going to do about it from a quarantine?

Meanwhile the other side is organized top to bottom. Trump peddles the bullshit, the governors fudge the stats, Fox News spins the fuck out of it, and the nut jobs literally storm state houses with guns.

The most frustrating part will probably be when they frame it as the tough American conservatives doing what needs to be done while the pussy snowflake liberals hide under the blankets and leech off of them and their hard work.

It’s way past time to start going to fucking war politically. No blue state bailout? Ok. Fuck you. We’re going to pass a bill to cut all federal taxes to like 5% and we’ll handle everything at the state level from now on. You don’t like it? Fuck off. Don’t come around here asking for a little extra help, Kentucky. You got subsidized for decades. Time to find your bootstraps and pull, motherfuckers.


Sounds like secession.

Wait til the 2nd wave hits after the election and the GOP blames it on the new Democratic leadership even though they don’t get sworn in until 2021.

Mighty optimistic

2nd wave is starting Now in many states. Will show up in the data after Mother’s Day. Nationally the latest it will show is October.

The election going the correct way. I am hopeful but very paranoid.

In other news- obviously highly speculative as in vitro data