COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually



Annnnnd South Carolina fucking finally:

I’m still essential though. We were told we were going to be provided with masks/have our temp taken before coming in, but that still hasn’t happened. Rampant rumors of some of the people that are out actually having it but our plant manager says no. They’re closing us down for five days starting Friday though, for an “extended Easter break.”

The schools problem though was that closing schools without figuring out an alternative might have actually caused some kids in NYC to starve.

Stfu hoe

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The number of positives is meaningless. The number of deaths may be a little more meaningful but also skewed way lower than they should be. But the number of hospital admissions and the number of ICU admissions is a good stat, and the show some signs of positivity. Still too few data points to rule out variance though.

Heard my neighbor shouting to someone on the balcony above me, “You’re not going to get it from a piece of paper. Stop being a pussy!”

Not sure if not taking this serious enough or giving their neighbor a gentle wake up call to get a grip. 50/50.

Saw a roofer pissing over the edge of a roof once. I won’t mention what ended up in empty boxes of sheetrock compound behind the privacy walls. And sometimes not in boxes.

In case anybody needs a reminder that all these COVID patients are real people with real families going through some heartbreaking shit and more than just numbers on a spreadsheet.

Texts From My Father in Elmhurst Hospital


Knowing how things have a habit of turning out for the worse, I expect Johnson to emerge from ICU with his standing among millions of morons enhanced al la Thatcher after Brighton.


I’m the same. There are shades of pornography to these things that are often a bit uncomfortable.

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Some evidence for the weekend reporting lag theory. That little jog shows up in every single county too.



Same… Told my brother to look for the tweets himself the other day, its too depressing for me and brings on my Anxiety like last week.

Alough I also put that down to not working in quite some time…

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Was in Blackpool when that happened… Crowds all over the piers :rofl:

I was in torquay when Charlie and Di got hitched, maybe that’s why I have a hatred for the Royals.

The adoration was sickening lol.

I finally reached a doctor. She told me that several attempts to help his breathing—with antibiotics, hydroxychloroquine, and water pills—had not worked.

Miracle drug.

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Kinda surprised how confident people are in their opinions in what is happening. There are more than enough outliers now to realize we don’t know near enough about this virus yet.

I guess they all have their reasons why they are outliers, China said fuck it and stopped counting, nobody in Japan touches each other despite population density, South Korea has track and trace, Sweden is a bunch of introverts who refuse to share living space, the spiders in Australia scared off the virus. I just don’t see enough reason to be confident one way or another.

No single country has a confirmed infection rate within an order of magnitude of where we were told endgame would be. Yet somehow everyone is leveling off despite very different containment strategies?


Most places have maxed out their testing capabilities at this point. You cant have more confirmed cases/deaths than you can test every day. USA #1 isn’t doing 100k tests most days and has 30k+ confirmed positives a day. If we had a million new cases a day the stats wouldn’t look much different as presumed but untested covid deaths aren’t being counted and we have basically maxed out how many we can test a day. Also we have 1-2 week waits in most places for results. How many of those are being matched up with dead bodies from 10+ days earlier is anyone’s guess.

The person who posted the Chicago coroner page where it was 90% acute respiratory failure and pnemonia deaths (way way over historical norms) with a few covid deaths sprinkled in tells me the numbers are essentially worthless.


Yeah, the only way we’re going to get a handle on the scope is comparing all cause mortality of this year compared to last year. The difference (with some adjustments) is corona. All other numbers aren’t that informative.

This true about Chicago. But it still seems doubtful there’s a massive Wuhan-level catastrophe going on around the world being misdiagnosed.

Maybe it’s that weird seasonality thing that no one really understands, it just happens.

Maybe I am wrong but the US seems to be the one country with extreme testing shortages still. Even Trump’s own HHS is saying it. Basing where we are at on the stats when most states it is nearly impossible to get a test seems bad. I personally know at least two people who almost certainly have it, one with a spouse who is a medical worker who has had direct contact, who can’t get tested.

NY is probably the one exception at the moment because we are getting detailed hospital admit stats.

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They’re gonna fix that real quick. We’ll probably get a new report in next 2 days.

Just like Jared and the miraculously revised stockpile website.