COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

I guess I’ll throw my 2 cents in on the fast food derail. If I want a fast food burger, the choice is definitely Whataburger for me, but nothing compares to homemade on the grill or stove. Also, I don’t think I’ve ever had a fast food fry I thought was good. Carl’s Jr maybe.

“I like Corporate Monolith Food Store A!”

“Idiot! Corporate Monolith Food Store B is so much better because they use Ingredient X which I and nobody else on the planet feel exactly this way about!”

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Just another 9/11s worth of deaths today. Ho hum nothing to see here. Time to open up shop

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Yeah I’m the biggest sunlight/heat/humidty/wind theory proponent on here - and I wouldn’t sit at a NASCAR race outside in 100 degree heat with screaming fans behind me. NFW. (I mean assuming that was something I wanted to do in the first place.)

Yet somehow I think that situation will end up happening.

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Narcissist going to narc

It is insane that he is doing this to people.

My cousin came from a broke family, graduated from the Air Force academy in 1987. He’s now a multi-millionaire and lifelong conservative who absolutely hates Trump and is terrified of him.

My buddy in high school went to West Point and served a tank commander in Iraq. He’s one of the biggest Trump haters on my FB feed. It’s hilarious watching straight-C choads we went to HS try to civilian-splain to him what disrespecting the troops is all about.


From last year. Take home for influenza is that regular paper surgical mask just as effective as N95. Current guidance for Covid-19!is for N95 for the really invasive procedures like intubation, surgical masks otherwise.

I’m not finding a huge amount of actual viral transmission data on homemade cloth.

I’ve got to suspect the universal mask wearing of anything that lessens microdroplet exhaust plus decent air flow (down?) should greatly reduce transmission. The hard part is that if we reduce transmission by say 80% then Rt is going to be great but individuals will still be taking risks. Definitely going to want to keep the vulnerable in lockdown until the caseload drops a couple of orders of magnitude.

Restaurants have the problem of eating. Sporting events, church etc just have such massive numbers and forceful exhalation from yelling and singing.

I am hope hope hoping the places that are opening up are REQUIRING masks. But yeah I know, our southern/red state cousins. Eye protection would be good too but sadly one step at a time for most people.

Did we ever hear if Dak Prescott’s brother was Covid-19?

Last for now. Brand new info to me. I will have to learn wtf a d-dimer is.

I am on team if you have to order off menu to get their best they are doing it wrong.

In and Out are here in Texas now, but for a long time I only had my memories as a yute in California. My biggest memory were “In and Out Burger” bumper stickers being modified to “In and Out Urge”

I was watching McMillions and at one point they have the 9/11 interlude. Seeing the newspapers with the headline “Thousands dead” was depressing when we are doing this daily and we have 20% of the people saying “What about heart disease and cancer!”

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I still haven’t seen anything, I am very suspicious it might have been even though he was young. He was 350 lbs, probably had high blood pressure and might have been pre diabetic, diabetic (those are assumptions on my part).

I think I read somewhere that managers there make upward of 150k per year.

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I dunno, man. That’s same grade-A Douglas Adams shit. Maybe even Vonnegut. IRL lol’d. You hate to see it.

No offense, and I like these kind of posts, but could this stuff be moved to the LC thread? We don’t need the entire forum to be a single mega thread.


I vote for move the fast food. Keep the dogs

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He was just being sarcastic, give him a break


I hate everything cfa stands for but this is a minority take

Australian Government COVID tracking app is available for download today. I tried to install it and it won’t accept my phone number for validation. GJGE. It’s not actually live yet though (for another 2.5 hours) so maybe they’ll resolve the bug.

Man fuck CFA politically

I dont have a PDQ anywhere close

But man CFA nuggets are perfect nuggets

That being said nuggets are on the absolute bottom of the chicken totem pole.

Perfect nuggets are only worth so much