COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Chicago is handling this by banning anything popular enough to get crowded.

For golf: 2 person groups, 15 mins per group, no touching the flagpole.

I donā€™t have the faintest idea how medical or any insurance billing works (thank fucking god). None of my paperwork or charting changes regardless of who is paying the bill.



When everyone is home not at work, electricity usage is going down.

The real issue in summer is when people get home, crank the AC up high and do everything else, all whole businesses are still running.

Grid should be fine.

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My electric bill went from the usual $89 to $131 last month - no AC involved, just me using more shit.

Some NBA teams are expected to open practice facilities this coming Friday.

Itā€™s kinda looking like the stay-at-home orders are about to fail where I live (central TX), not because of the government, but because people are sick of staying at home and there arenā€™t that many cases here (still less than 2 per thousand). I know our government is completely incompetent right now, but I feel like this would be happening with competent leadership in place as well.

I guess I just donā€™t understand what step 2 is supposed to be. We got step 1 down, stay at home, practice social distancing. But whatā€™s step 2? Continue step 1 for 18 months? Thatā€™s just not happening.

Step 2 is supposed to be testing and contact tracing.


Itā€™s been obvious for a long time we were going to fudge our way through testing and contract tracing in the open up phase just like we did in close down phase. As usual be happy if you live in a blue state other than NY. And maybe Illinois.

Better just live on the West Coast to be safe.

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I absolutely love In-N-Out (including their fries), and Iā€™m vegetarian.

Itā€™s the only fast food Iā€™ll eat.

What did you order?

If you donā€™t remember that, was your order limited to things that were printed on the menu without modification. If the answer is yes, this would explain your experience entirely.

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Like a cheeseburger and fries, this was about ten years ago in Vegas.

How did that old 22 meme go?

Create anonymous email account.
Send wife articles detailing HLā€™s atrocities.

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TLDR: Non-scientific conjecture: Sunlight/humidity/heat will probably reduce Covid-19 transmission, even down to less than R = 1, when combined with some basic distancing rules, especially avoidance of crowded, air-conditioned / poorly ventilated spaces.

Some thoughts on the heat/humidity/sunlight preventing Covid-19:

I think there is a very strong case to be made that this is true, IF combined with restrictions on crowded, poorly ventilated spaces. Places like Singapore seeing higher Covid-19 transmission misses the fact that while Singapore is in the tropics, most activities are in crowded, air-conditioned spaces. I go to Singapore once or twice a year, and the amount of time Iā€™m out in the tropical heat is close to never.
Also the latest explosion in cases is from foreign workers ā€œdormitoriesā€, and this is how they are:

About 200,000 workers live in 43 dormitories in Singapore, according to Minister of Manpower Josephine Teo.

Conditions are usually cramped, with about 10 to 20 workers sharing each room. Government regulations require the rooms provide 4.5 square meters (about 48 square feet) per occupant, meaning the rooms typically range from 45 to 90 square meters (484 to 968 square feet).

Videos sent to CNN from one dormitory show workers lying in a line of bunk beds, where they sleep just a few feet away from each other. The workers, the majority of whom are male, and from less economically developed countries, share toilets, shower stalls, laundry clotheslines, storage spaces, and line up together to receive food.

Singapore definitely dropped the ball in this aspect, apparently forgetting about this very vulnerable group of people until very late.

In Indonesia, the epicenter of the outbreak is Jakarta. A transit line bringing commuters into Jakarta was pinpointed as a ā€œsuper spreaderā€. In which people crowd together for an up-to 50 minute trip.

In Malaysia, a super-spreader event was a Muslim outreach program that had over 16,000 people, including 1,500 foreigners packed together for 3 days.

The packed gathering, where guests had to take shuttle buses to sleep at other venues, was attended by nationals from dozens of countries, including Canada, Nigeria, India and Australia, according to an attendee list posted on social media.

There were also citizens of China and South Korea - two countries with high rates of coronavirus infections.

Social media posts show hundreds of worshippers praying shoulder-to-shoulder inside the mosque, while some guests posted selfies as they shared food.

It was not clear how many guests were residents of Malaysia, but cases linked to the gathering are popping up daily across Southeast Asia.

Now as a contrast, letā€™s pivot to Bali, a popular holiday island in Indonesia. First of all, definitely take this with a grain of salt: Testing numbers are very low, so many cases could be undetected. But even examining death rates, there doesnā€™t seem to be an increase. Which is strange for a destination that up to early February had 5 weekly flights to Wuhan, welcomed about 100,000 Chinese tourist per month, and 500,000 tourists from other destinations.

It is plausible that the transmission rate in Bali is much lower because there are few potential super-spreaders. For one, the island does not have a mass transit system. It does not allow buildings higher than about 4 stories high. Balinese are predominantly Hindu, and they worship almost exclusively outdoors. Also a lot of their worship is community based, ie. only people from the same village worship together. If a woman marries out of her village, for example, she no longer prays in her village, or even in her old family home. She prays at her husbandā€™s home temple.

Another thing the Balinese do not do is shake hands, instead they prefer a gesture similar to the Indian ā€œnamasteā€.


What. The. Fuck.


The US of Assholes will figure out a way to get multiple superspreader events in 2020. Just too many idiots and especially too many idiots in charge. Maybe Boris having a serious case will save the U.K. some of the central and South American countries are fucked with no hope and we will get to see what a virus only controlled by the fear of the population looks like (essentially big dick authoritarian type leadership-like in Wash DC). Then you have the Swedish suicide compact. Lemmings.

Omg. There has to be pressure brought to bear on this pure ego trip.

The commandant over whatever needs to publicly refuse and dare to be court martialed singing remember the Roosevelt.

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Iā€™ve been thinking about the lack of eye and face coverings a lot lately.

It is a huge leak to walk around with a mask on, even one of those professional ones with the cartridges and 2 ports, but nothing covering the eyes, especially for workers at hospitals, grocery stores and other essential businesses where workers spend 8+ hours inside in enclosed spaces every day. But for everyone, really. Itā€™s why research shows masks alone only get you to ~60% protection: because your fucking eyes are still exposed.

My mother was at a local hospital yesterday and she reported that the person checking her in had no face shield or goggles on, like those Phelps swim goggles. Perhaps she had eyeglasses on, but then just find goggles that cover glasses.

Following along with the previous dog derail, my mother also reported that the woman checking her in at 8am stood up and realized her pants were covered with dog hair and proceeded to use one of those sticky-rolly lint removers to remove the hair; right in front of my mother. My mother wasnā€™t pleased and rightly said that the woman should have gone to the bathroom to clean herself up. I agree. Now my mother wants to report this woman to somebody higher up. Iā€™ve tried to get her to use a different hospital because imo this hospital isnā€™t the best available in the area, but per usual she doesnā€™t listen and refuses. Too late now. She is scheduled for radiation treatments there for next 5 weeks. I think a report is ok even though this woman is clearly a hero working on or close to the front lines, so that the unsanitary behavior will be corrected.

Yeah, thatā€™s your problem right there.

The key to in-n-out is there are a bunch of (unlisted) modifications that you can make which are key. It takes your mediocre order to something that is great for that price point.

I always get a double-double animal style and fries well done.

Fries well done makes them crispier and better. Still not great. Fries are their weakness.
Animal style gets your burger mustard grilled and with grilled onions and extra spread. This make the burger infinitely better.

Sometimes when Iā€™m in the mood I add chopped chilies. Thatā€™s not critical like animal style.

None of above is on the menu board, you just have to know.

If you go back, try it again and give the above order a try.

Those cadets and their families will bend over backwards to attend. West Point graduations are very prestigious events.