COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

I’ve said this before, but I will never understand the fetishisation of In-N-Out. Utterly unremarkable fare. I barely remember it.

Burger is good, fries are worst ever.

And now we’ve completely derailed the Covid thread once again.

Maybe we need to OOT the Covid thread and turn it into its own sub-community with side topics. Although pretty much everyone on this site is in it.


It’s been a couple of years since I’ve been there but CFA nuggets>. I don’t know why you’d ever get a sandwich there

I kind of think you just have to accept that very high-traffic threads have a certain amount of LC clutter. Like how the Trump thread became a de facto rolling LC thread back on four. Excision should only be if it’s clearly enough content to be worth a thread, below that, just tolerate it imo.


It is astonishing that In-N-Out has never fixed the fries situation. They’re atrocious.

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It depends a little on the content. The stonks stuff just seemed tasteless, for example much like In-N-Out AMIRITE FOLKS but mundane stuff that just comes up, yeah, just scroll, really.

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I don’t think most people do stuff outside in the summer because they are trying to keep their ac bill down. I think they do it because it is nice out.

I think people should use good judgment in deciding what they do, when they do it and how they do it. I don’t buy the idea that it’s impossible for people to stay inside during the summer. It’s not terribly difficult. The question is what sacrifices will people continue to make.

I think commercial buildings probably cool a lot more unused space and with less control versus when people are there during peak usage etc.

Honestly I just don’t think the AC is a relevant factor.

That is pretty encouraging from a treatment standpoint. Would be amazing if we could have sufficient enough PPE for this to be trialed on a larger scale.

I don’t really know how the medical community shares information across the country and the world in a time like this, but it at least looks like something that other hospitals can try before going to a ventilator,

Seems pretty clear they want to do almost anything to avoid putting someone on a ventilator.

This will go well with Trump owing China’s state bank tens of millions of dollars.

Whatabruger Chicken Strips sandwich?

That doesn’t include all the other charges and fees, it would be hundreds of thousands of dollars all told.

Is it though? Medicare says lump sum. They don’t fuck around with that adding on all kinds of random crap like $600 to use an empty room for a 10 minute consult.

This is not just true of Wendy’s spicy chicken, but of all things Wendy’s. I don’t think any other major chain has as much variance from location to location. Admittedly, I don’t eat that much fast food, so I can’t be certain, but if it’s not at the very top for variance, it has to be close.

I just saw a WSJ headline lamenting on all the kegs of beer sitting there tapped but wasting away in closed restaurants, bars, and stadiums.

So anyone following the prospective case study of my daughter’s friend and her family like @JohnnyTruant

Last status was father recovered and tested negative for being infected
Mother still testing negative
Kid always testing negative.

The update is:

Father still negative for infection, but positive for antibodies
Mother now tests negative for infection
Daughter still tests negative


39k for a covid pt is probably less than the drugs we need to just keep them comfortable on the ventilator. Not to mention all the extra monitoring, radiology, labs, tube feeds, and staffing.

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Yeah for sure. That was my point (see #2). Do you bill medicare for that other stuff or is it lump sum for one patient - all inclusive?

Yeah. Hospitals don’t just do lump sum and Medicare is based on a cost plus basis. Your bill would vary greatly depending on how many days you are in the hospital.

That is a lump sum for that process but not for the room, the doctors fees and everything else.

They may group a combination of things for the treatment of specific illnesses but there is no chance that covers everything. I saw too many of my parents Medicare bills to think that is possible.

I have never seen Medicare lump sum things like room and facilities, or doctor’s fees with a specific illness treatment.

I don’t know what that lump sum covers, but I am comfortable saying that it does not cover it all, or even close to it.

Italy also suffered from an early super-spreader event in the form of a once-in-a-lifetime championship run for the local soccer club in Bergamo, Italy.