COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Yea my brother has a PhD in astrophysics so I know he’ll be responsible in public. He wants to donate platelets too. I’m sure he’ll be retested at some point.

How many confirmed cases did SF have when they issued shelter in place? Seems like it was pretty early. SF is one of the few US cities where people live on top of each other and use public transportation anything like NY level. And they’ve come out pretty unscathed. Although if we ever get antibody tests NYC will have a ton more immune people going for them.

Also seems like NYC waiting forever to close the schools was pretty bad - and could be the major driver of their explosion for all we know.

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That’s also true of at least a couple of others here.

From my understanding the public hospitals getting hammered in Atlanta (Grady) - serve a lot of the poorer residents. Same for New Orleans.

get this man some hydroxy, nothing to LOSE

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I don’t think he survives this… It why I held back on the F BJ quotes.

I just have that feeling that he won’t last past this Sunday.

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Him getting CoV-2 definitely woke up a few right wingers around here.

Denmark to start easing restrictions next week

We reported earlier that Austria is considering lifting some of its coronavirus restrictions.

Now Denmark has announced plans to re-open nurseries and primary schools from next week, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen says.

However, it will only happen if the number of current infections remains constant and if people respect existing restrictions, she warned.

Yes, clearly SF was ahead of the curve on stay at home policy, and that saved lives. What I’m asking is if you are governor of New York, when do you pull the trigger on closing schools and issuing stay at home orders based on the stats I posted above and knowing only what you knew at that time?

Yes - everyone was screaming for NYC to close the schools for a couple weeks. Seems like a no-brainer.

But again - the irony is they pretty much hit the sweet spot going forward - just enough spread and deaths to almost overwhelm the hospitals, but not quite.

Which means they’re closer to herd immunity than most other places outside of Italy and Spain, and when antibody tests come out they’ll have a lot more people to work risky jobs and donate plasma.

Seems like a lot of people here have been saying the numbers are meaningless because of the horrid testing process. Why now are we assigning value to them?

I do think ny is probably headed in the right direction but by all accounts they probably have 2-3 weeks of 500+ deaths a day. They also had some of the strictest lockdowns from what i could tell in the entire USA. Assuming just because it might be close to peaking there says anything about the rest of the country seems really premature.


I don’t think we go back to anything resembling normalcy without a vaccine or an effective treatment. Not holding my breath.

If it did happen the obvious thing to happen in the aftermath and during such a critical time would be finally a national coalition government.

Yeah LA took longer to shut down than the Bay Area. Just a few extra days seems to make a huge difference. LA has more people taking public transportation than people realize. And a lot of 1st, 2nd, 3rd generation immigrant families living in mutli-generational houses or close-by housing clusters.

Antibody tests mean some people can go about normal business, but also they can donate plasma which seems to help a lot with treatment.

a nurse friend of mine went off on facebook today. she works in the OR, so not directly with covid patients. she got sick for a few days, went home, got tested and found out THIRTEEN DAYS LATER that she tested positive for Covid. meanwhile, no test allowed for her significant other that lives with her, no test allowed for her family that she saw while asymptomatic. luckily she’s in her late 20s and healthy/athletic, bounced back after a few days and has no further symptoms.

but hey we tested some tigers in the bronx…


Antibody needs to be 100% effective or GJGE - no antibody test is even 66% effective yet

What state?

I would prefer this to happen sooner than later as Kier Stammer seems to have his head screwed on.

He may not have been my choice for leadership but he was not far off, he seems a reasonable choice.

Fuck Milband BTW.