COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Well here is my guess if things get out of control for two weeks stating May 1

(Note this is exactly what I published previously, still have made 0 adjustments to my model)

Not continuing this - your initial point was complete BS - that you get to decide whatā€™s an undue personal sacrifice to ask someone else to make for moral reasons, and what isnā€™t.

The vegans look down on all of us.

Iā€™d be happy if yā€™all appoint me to make all your moral decisions.

now you might think Iā€™d make those choices on ethics or some religious tests. I would not. I promise you my decisions would be based solely on my own entertainment factor. So tell your wife, no More D if she goes to HL. Report back.

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Iā€™ve decided thatā€™s not ok, because Wendys is just as good or better.

Shame on you.

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I mean obviously you guys are right. Iā€™m not disagreeing with anything. Iā€™m also not fighting this battle. You can think less of me for this if youā€™d like

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Yeah, that wasnā€™t my point, but if you want to intentionally miss it thatā€™s fine.

I donā€™t understand why this is so hard for you. Nobody is perfect. However, if you can make changes in you own life which (by your own standards) involve minimal sacrifice that make the world better, then you are a better person for doing so.

I donā€™t know what to think, to be honest. There just isnā€™t enough information.

For starters, does she even know what pieces of shit the owners of HL are?

Iā€™ve made comments about them but we havenā€™t exactly done a deep dive into what makes them so horrid.

Dude- none of us (or close to none) are telling our wives where not to shop. Donā€™t sweat it.

I make negative comments about certain places. If she still wants to go I firmly tuck my tail between my legs.


Consider giving her a 10 min run down. Youā€™re not telling her what to do. Just giving her some info to do with as she chooses.

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Iā€™m the same. The only difference is I make her acknowledge the choice she is making. And she does the same to me. Just being made to think about it goes a long way.

On my trip Iā€™ve met plenty of vegans who would never dream of using stuff like AC or a dishwasher under any circumstances. One would even take cold showers while it warmed up for the rest of his family - to keep from wasting water. I met people who volunteer everywhere they go - not just playing around for a day but real hard work fo weeks. Some were even doing the whole trip I did in a car - on a bicycle.

I put a bag of the plastic and paper packages that my food comes in - out for recycling once a week. Thatā€™s my big contribution back to mother earth for all that I take and consume.

I am such an asshole compared to so many people Iā€™ve met.

Thatā€™s kind of my overriding point - unless weā€™re vegans living off the grid and putting in massive work to help people less fortunate than us - as weā€™re looking down on someone, someone else is looking down on us at the same time.

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I agree with all of that. I donā€™t begrudge such vegans looking down on me. I would be better if I were more like that. Not only in the veganā€™s estimation, but in my own.

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Note to self: Donā€™t make jokes about your wife if you canā€™t handle the inevitable scrutiny of your marriage.


If it make you feel better, I think we have blown way past your marriage and HL. Weā€™re on to veganā€™s living off the grid.


Whenever I have these doubts, I just ask myself WWRLCIGD? What would Ray Liottaā€™s character in Goodfellas do? Now there was a man who wore the pants in the relationship.

Nobody has thoughts on incoming summer and trying to keep people at home? Hasnā€™t really been discussed here and I think its a big issue.

For the record I think itā€™s awesome that you can do that. I have countless shortcomings as a husband and communication is one of them. I still havenā€™t figured out how to tell her when Iā€™m upset at something she is actually done. I sure as f*** am not ready to tell her that the owners of her second favorite establishment are a bunch of bigots and that she should consider shopping elsewhere.


And if you guessed that her number 1 favorite establishment is Target, well no fucking shit it is. Sheā€™s so basic, and sheā€™s my favorite person in the world


Iā€™m not insanely worried as long as theyā€™re outdoors in daytime and trying to distance as much as possible.