COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Try again starting with that.

Quite the gamble they are making. Blowing 90% of their stack on a hopeless bluff on first tournament hand so that the table will pay you off the rest of the way.

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Come on dude - you implied that if the meat and fake meat tasted the same then sure I wouldnā€™t eat meat. Which means thereā€™s some level of taste difference that makes it ok to still eat meat. I guess we need to get into exactly how much taste degradation makes me not an asshole for still eating meat?

But youā€™ve done your research and determined Hobby Lobby and Michaels are exactly the same which means the wife is an asshole for going to HL. Some serious mansplaining stuff going on here.

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Pray for us. We have to trim the chiahuahuas nails tonight if we can find the Dremel. Walked 2.5 miles. She will be wearing her little muzzle which makes her just give up (hopefully)

Will post picks if my face gets all scratched up.

In other news, non NY cases flat in US so yeah, no rapid decline in deaths anytime soon.


Opps didnā€™t mean to quote you grue and Iā€™m too high to figure out how to edit it out so it isnā€™t a reply to you.

Something a lot of my California friends are bringing up is how hard itā€™s going to be to keep people indoors during summer.

itā€™s getting pretty hot in CA.

  1. Our electrical grid struggles during normal summers. Weā€™re going to be fucked if we have millions of more people staying home running the AC.
  2. Even if our grid stays working, they will need to pass some kind of electrical bill relief to keep people indoors so they can run their AC.

Otherwise people will be going to the beach, creek, and whatever else they can to beat the heatā€¦Very few are going to be willing to stay in their house when its 100 degrees and its too expensive to run the AC all day.


Irish people try American fast food chicken sandwiches.


Pretty cool we are throwing our lot in with Russia and China on the global participation stage.

Remember when Trump allegedly tried to buy a vaccine from Germany?

Well what if we think of it like this:

Most countries donā€™t trust their govt as much as Sweden, so they would never voluntarily change their behavior the way weā€™ve had to w/o seeing first hand the cases rack up. Then after our enforced shelter in place - weā€™re going to try to transition to some kind of semi-open-back-up with all kinds of behavior changes and masks - which we will be a lot more likely to go along with now that weā€™ve been shown that this thing is real.

What if Sweden is able to just skip straight to that phase because a) they caught it early and b) people listen to their govt?

Iā€™m not saying itā€™s working, but I wonder if thatā€™s basically the theory. At the very least itā€™s not blowing up like Italy did before they shut everything down.

Your dog is a coke dealer?

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Imagine demanding payment from someone you owe vast sums of money to.

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Sure, but as a whole, Sweden isnā€™t some bastion of tourism, and their population is younger and healthier than Italy, so the comparisons certainly arenā€™t 1 to 1

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Is this number accurate?

Has $2.8 trillion worth of COVID relief bills been passed?

Very nice. Do they have this with masks on? Masks of different styles?

The average coronavirus itself is about 0.12 microns.

Closed spaces need top down flow and recirc throuugh hepa or better.

They are at no.7 (ignoring micro-states) for deaths per capita. I am saying itā€™s very much not working.

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I never said that it was OK. Thatā€™s a much more involved conversation that I was looking to avoid.

The implication was that if they taste the same, then there is really no reason to eat meat. It does not logically follow that if they donā€™t taste the same, then eating meat is OK.

Perhaps an easier way to wrap your head around would be the following:
-Eating meat is bad
-Eating meat if impossible meat tastes the same is worse.

Above is entirely consistent with what I said. Also it doesnā€™t rely on eating meat being OK.

Actually based on 1 min of google research, Michaels is almost certainly superior except for cost. In this specific case, no reason was given regarding the preference of HL to Michaels or JoAnn or Amazon, etc. I suppose I could be persuaded if I heard something similar to impossible stuff just doesnā€™t taste like meat.

I donā€™t think true in rural states. I think they are still way behind on testing.

Bret Stephens can go fuck himself. Iā€™m pissed at myself for giving the NYT $1/month.

Divorce her if she goes to Hobby Lobby. So happy they got conned out of millions for fake Dead Sea scrolls.

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I mean to me it seems we still have an expanding outbreak (highest death total was 8 days ago with lots of high days the last week and highest new cases ever was yesterday). And now we are getting OPEN FOR BUSINESS. Whatever happens next is anyones guess.

I only want CFA on Sunday.

Got hungry on errands. If I Stop posting its McDonalds that killed me. First fast food in two months.


I dunno. Doubt that guy cares either way.