COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

I tried chick-fil-a once because I was curious. That shit was horrible. Barely edible.


Yeah one thing I think gets lost in the dems vs reps messaging discussions is that the republican base are a bunch of insanely stupid clapping seals that are impossible to displease.

Itā€™s a lot easier to effectively message to your base when theyā€™re a bunch of old angry racists who hate the other side so much they donā€™t care about anything and will vote republican for life.

I think most democrats feel the same way now. Which will probably lead to the dem establishment routinely rolling out god awful pro rich candidates because at least they arenā€™t republicans.

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Not enough profit margin.

Similar here. I donā€™t eat Chik-Fil-A or go to Hobby Lobby but if thatā€™s someone elseā€™s favorite place on earth Iā€™m not going to rag on them for it.

Eating meat probably does more overall damage in the world than patronizing either of those stores, and Iā€™m not giving up meat.

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I mean theyā€™re a deplorable company but we donā€™t need to spread lies


Wendys and Pollo Campero chicken sandwich >>> Chik Fil A imo. Probably Popeyes too but I donā€™t have any of those near me.

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Hobby Lobby level stuff I get, but I can pretty much guarantee you support plenty of businesses that are at the deplorable level or worse than CFA.

I rarely eat there myself, but itā€™s impossible to not support deplorable businesses because they pretty much all are. The best you can do is try to avoid the absolute worst offenders.

Yeah - like most sports team owners.

I laughed.

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dude, just no

Wendys Spicy Chicken sandwich GOAT imo.

I know itā€™s not as fun because you donā€™t have to wait in line for 30 minutes and feel like youā€™re part of something special, but itā€™s freaking good.


Do you even Popeyeā€™s?

Edit : Grunched. Didnā€™t see that you donā€™t have any near you.

I havenā€™t had the popeyes but wendys is justā€¦way below chikfila sorry


Thereā€™s a fast food thread that a really cool respected poster started long ago

BRB taking pics of my plants for the thread.

  1. Itā€™s not ā€œsomeoneā€. Itā€™s his wife.
  2. Apples and oranges wrt to compare with meat eating. Alternatives to HL exist that are nearly identical. Would you eat meat, if there was Impossible beef, chicken, pork, etc and you couldnā€™t tell the difference if bindfolded?

Saw a group of 6-8 people drinking on a balcony at my apartment complex while taking my dog out last night. I know a handful of them. My feelings are somewhere between disappointment and frustration, wondering how mad I should be if at all.


Oh ok.So if the fake meat tastes slightly worse, Iā€™m still not an asshole for eating meat. But if Mrs. Outdrawed likes the selection at Hobby Lobby better than Michaels, sheā€™s still an asshole?

Who makes these rules exactly?

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They could in theory be co-isolating.

If you watched the NFL draft youā€™d see 100s of parties going on right now where you know damn well the people donā€™t all live together.

Was watching a vice report about this. Sweden is an awesome but super weird country. Essentially, they are totally on board with what their government says to do (and would likely be on board for a lockdown as well if their government said to do so) since they seem to generally have the interests of the people in mind.

Why the head epidemiologist in charge of their response is going against all good sense/advice from health experts around his country is baffling to me. If this does serious damage, it could rock that whole ā€œletā€™s listen to the people in charge because they have our best interest at heartā€ mentality to its core. That is not really something they need at this time.