COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually


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No wonder it spreads with flatulence :grin:


Probably made a mistake and got into it with my sister on Facebook. First she made a super angry post about the media twisting Trumps words about him asking about injecting disinfectants, not telling people too. Like yeah lets focus on that instead of the fact the president is asking if we can inject people with disinfectants.

Now shes railing on the fact that the MSM isnā€™t reporting on Bidens accuser 24/7 like they did with " cavanughs " and its absolutely disgusting. I tried to point out the fact that there is a pandemic going on killing thousands of people every day and the world economy is crashing and thats why its not being reported on.

She just said doesnā€™t matter and Iā€™m not a woman so I wouldnā€™t understand.

She used to hate Trump, itā€™s so sad to see someone you care about go down this path. Her fucking husband is poisoning her brain :(


Wait wait I was offline yesterday and missed the dog derail. Hereā€™s my good boy.


Ok, back to the regularly scheduled COVIDing.


Refrigerated trailer currently parked behind the local hospital. Itā€™s, uh, not for food.

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I havenā€™t agreed with everything my company has ever done, and Im not naive enough to think theyā€™re doing this out of the goodness of their heart but moreso for PR purposes, but my company gave hourly employees an extra $2/hr and salaried associates an extra $100/wk. Combine that with the fact my wife canā€™t go to Hobby Lobby and my bank account has never looked so sexy


So uh, what exactly is Sweden doing? If thereā€™s no current indication that getting CV imparts you with immunity, their goal of herd immunity is just going to lead to a bunch of death.

I mean, thanks to them for giving it a whirl and letting the rest of the world see how it works out?

Donā€™t give in @marty! Your son is 12, which means 6 years of ā€œhisā€ (when he feels like it, or is not out partying) dog, and then 10 years of your dog. My ā€œdaughterā€™sā€ dog is now so anxious (feeding off of us, Iā€™m sure) that he has to sleep on our bed ā€“ yuck! Many dogs are like some southerners ā€“ assuming you want to greet and interact with them. F that: get out of my face with your god shit and your wet kisses. I donā€™t need dog or god slobber on me. My wife, who cajoled and even threatened me for years, now agrees: no more non-human animals in our house.

I hope all those people who got pets at the start of the lockdown donā€™t end up abandoning them or not being able to buy them food.

  • also a grump
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The results from Sweden and Brazil are really bad especially once you factor in the low testing rates in those places. Most of the US will have roughly the same levels of restriction as those places within the next week or soā€¦

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I get really annoyed by the fact that some media outlets or others feel the need to claim that Trump was making it as a recommendation. Thereā€™s no need to distort it to make it sound worse, itā€™s so fucking dumb as is. Itā€™s just another one of many shitty unforced errors that make it easier for people like your sister to grab ahold of and keep ignoring how dangerously stupid he is.


Um yeah lol at giving money to hobby lobby under any circumstance.


Recently theyā€™ve become an example for right wing idiots to point at and say " see look at sweden, no lockdown and their deaths per capita are average " and say models are fake news.

Amazed such a progressive smart country is doing something so stupid.

Yeah I pointed out this is what would happen when Pelosi and the media started saying he recommended. Fucking idiots.


+1. Find a Michaels or something. Amazon if all else fails.

Reps just play on easy mode with their base, really. Imagine what would happen to a Dem who talked about USA#1 needing a ā€˜relief packageā€™ from the Commies.

Hey itā€™s great that you guys have backbones but Iā€™m not about to tell the only woman that will have sex with me on an infrequent basis that she canā€™t shop at her favorite crafty place because they hate black people



Not really laughing about hobby lobby being owned by pieces of shit or about you saying only one woman will have sex with you. I was just thinking if Sephora was run by a bunch of racists I would be completely powerless to stop 1000s of my dollars going there every year, no matter how reasonable ā€˜just go to Ulta insteadā€™ sounds to me

  1. They hate women too. Does that help?
  2. Michaels is actually a better store according to people who I know that are into that stuff.

well you got some hearts but man is that not a great look. My wife is like 20% engaged as I am in this shit (to her credit probablyā€¦) and she wonā€™t associate at all with the likes of HL, chikfila, all the other terrible places. Fuck those people.

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So I truly donā€™t understand how we can manufacture more than enough nukes, aircraft carriers, jet aircraft and missiles, but we canā€™t make enough nasal swabs and masks.

I mean, wtf?