COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Someone once observed that you knew online had gone mainstream when you saw more pictures of dogs than cats. I don’t have a cat at the moment, but I’m a regular port of call for the neighbours’ cat, a beautiful burnt-toast-looking molly with a black hood-and-eyepatch over the left-hand side of her face. Can’t be too friendly with her now we know they can get the 'rona. Still giving her food, no longer petting her. She doesn’t seem too bothered.

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If you can get quick enough on the trigger, “Piers Morgan said…” can be interrupted nicely with “… yes go ahead and hack into that murdered teenager’s voicemail”.


Last week I wanted to see 40,000 laying on the national mall. I think I roughed at 36 sq ft per person we could fit way more than that with 6’ distancing.
Then I wanted one new person to lay down every 45 seconds to signify the death rate.

We went for paint today. Home Depot has a line that was going back and forth including an area with about 30 people all standing under the normal pickup awning with fairly stagnant air for about 20-30 min. We bailed and went to the little local hardware. Probably $10 more for the paint but well worth it.


Get them a dog you grump.

Or at least test out lil mans theory then if all clear get them a dog!

As I mentioned I got a buddy who is allergic to cats and an antihistamine a day does the trick. He gets it worse than your lad it sounds like.

Pretty sure most people here who had dogs as lil lads can attest it makes for some of the best memories from your childhood. Also teaches you how to handle heartbreak :(

Also there is an entire subreddit dedicated to dads who said they didn’t want a dog with pictures of said dad and dog big chillin loving each other. And its a big community!

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Last derail post lol


Def get a dog. They are awesome.

Just went and snapped this, in defiance of jalfrezi. My two rescues.

I have no idea what the mutt is supposed to be. Found her on a busy road near my place, nearly ran over her, she was maybe a month old. Now 9.

Boxer we adopted 12 months ago, she’s 4 now. Hilarious dog.


That’s racist and misogynist.


I had a few bad experiences with a doberman dog that lived across the road… :grin: It was the only dog I was ever scared of in my life.

Nurse/Doctor looks 1 million times more intimidating than he does.

Are 9,800 new cases right for NY today? That would be three days in a row of pretty large increases.

There might be something to be said for stuff like singing and yelling being super-spreaders (lol sporting events with fans). That one droplet study said that talking loudly spread the droplets much more than talking softly. If you live in a noisy place you talk loudly, at least when you’re out in public.

(talking loudly stuff is around 1:45)


Where you at?

In case it wasn’t clear it was meant as a joke.

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What really gets me about this picture is he’s right up in her face - it’s just unnecessarily aggresive and is a real fuck you.

Back on topic after the woof derail.

How will any eventual vaccine be shared out? Who decides? Will supplies go to the highest bidder? Are rich nations buying up potential vaccines already? And what will stop governments from simply seizing vaccines made in their country?

The potential problems have been spotted. On Friday, a parade of world leaders, charity bosses and industry chiefs, including French president Emmanuel Macron, German chancellor Angela Merkel and philanthropist Melinda Gates, united to back a WHO initiative to ensure any treatments and vaccines are shared equitably around the world. Dominic Raab also supported it. Yet just as notable were the nations not in attendance – the US, China, Russia and India.

A delicate system of international cooperation is having to be pursued in the middle of a crisis. “We are talking about billions of doses being available to all,” says Charlie Weller, the Wellcome Trust’s head of vaccines. “We haven’t got a roadmap for how to do that. Many of these discussions are being worked out now.”

“Can you imagine the WHO telling Donald Trump that he can only have one tenth of the vaccine that he wants,” says David Salisbury, the former director of immunisation at the Department of Health. “Surely, he’s going to look to see who can make a vaccine in the quantities needed in America, and he’s not going to let the vaccine out. That will happen.”

I know :grin: was gonna reply but how as I had a German shepard at the time :sweat_smile:

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Actually 10,553 new confirmed cases from yesterday, but they processed 46,912(!) tests. So increase driven by more testing even as positive rate continues to decline. Cuomo said today that the state has loosened testing requirements and will be signing an executive order to allow all pharmacists to collect test specimens.

Interesting. So they are basically just catching a larger number of the positives.