COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

I bought some patches, just in case - they’re going to be sold out soon. Figure I can always flip them for the same price or a small loss when this is over if they turn out to be nothing. I got the lowest dosage (7mg), figuring if the needed dose is higher (they’re available in 7-21mg), I can always take more. Obviously would need to look into what the safe dosing is and whether it’s safe to use two at once if they’re the low dosage, or whether it’d be better to use them twice a day instead of once a day or whatever.

For what it’s worth, it’s not yet clear whether gum = patches = vaping = smoking in terms of the impacts for coronavirus… But some French hospitals do have staff using the patches as a potential preventative measure, so at least there’s that.

Also no clue how much I should get, so I got 28 days worth. Seems like the use may be preventative rather than as a treatment, which means we should all be getting hooked on nicotine this year I guess?

(Obviously all depends on the results of the study and future studies as to whether it’s actually going to work.)

I heard someone’s dog or cat ate 1 tylenol and died.

Not sure if true.

It might have been a small dog like a chihuahua.

Um, have you ever smoked or used some other nicotine product? This sounds like a very poorly thought out plan.


What does he have to lose?


Freedom from nicotine addiction? I’ve been there. It kinda sucks real bad.

May be he should await the Clorex or UV patches :slight_smile:
7mg / daily nicotine never killed anyone - would be the equivalent of 33% of an espresso shot

Nope, but if the study finds out that nicotine patches prevent and/or treat coronavirus, it seems like a good idea to have some on hand. I can figure out whether it’s a good or bad idea if/when needed. I likely won’t have the luxury of buying patches if/when they’re needed by myself, a friend or family.

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I wondered if it was possible to monitor or audit the proposed and ongoing study in real time to learn recommended doses. The study I’m guessing would administer varying doses and a placebo. Difficult to control exposure to virus of test subjects.

If you don’t smoke, vape or chew tobacco/gum, I would start with lowest dose until your body gets used to the nicotine. You can also buy the 21mg and cut them in half, thirds, etc. I have a script. Called pharmacy yesterday and they are in the mail today.

Best thing to do would be to consult your doctor though and tell him/her what you’re planning.

Nicotine is known for curing hunger pangs so there is that (if that is of interest)

Don’t put smoke in your lungs thou’ eh! (it’s the other 200 carcinogens in cigs that kill, not the nicotine)

Yeah right now I’m not planning on taking them (I’m staying locked down anyway). After the study, I will hopefully learn some of the following:

  1. Is it preventative or can it treat the infection or both?
  2. What dosage?
  3. Does gum/patch/inhaled matter?
  4. Does it have to build up for preventative measures to work or does it work as long as it’s in the bloodstream?

At that point I can form a plan. I just don’t think I’ll be able to buy them then. The plan could range from using a patch if I needed to leave the house to keeping them stockpiled in case I got sick to using them daily as a preventative measure and returning to “normal” life sooner than planned, although then I’d need more than 28 days.

Meanwhile I’ll also want to research whether taking 7mg for a day, 3 days, a week, a month, etc is going to get me addicted long-term, if so it’s probably best to avoid unless necessary.

I know that, I’ve toyed with the idea of using the gum/patches as a diet aid before but always decided against it because of the addiction potential. No way I would smoke it, unless that’s the only way to use it to treat/prevent COVID-19. As an asthmatic, that’s a big no-no.

One of the things here is that it appears smokers are less likely to catch COVID-19 but more likely to have severe cases if they do… For the good of us all, hopefully the gum or patches work and hopefully it’s effective both in treating and prevention.

I guess current patch users can go back to smoking cigarettes after healthy people have hoarded all the available patches on spec.


I quit chewing tobacco about 18 years ago. Maybe I should kick it back up.


Someone needs to arrest Trump on Health and Safety grounds.

The daily briefings should come with a health warning (characters are real but content is fictional)

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Sweden still doubling down. Dude leading the response seems pretty effin smug.

IMO lives saved today are lives I can save tomorrow. Lives lost today are gone forever.

I guess there will be a scoreboard at the end. He’s either going to be a national hero otherwise he should be flogged to death.

I like your mom already


I can hoard my two boxes or some asshole can buy them to sell them at 300% on eBay in a week to someone else. They’re all getting hoarded unless USA#1 follows France’s lead and puts a limit on purchases, which is never happening in the land of the free and the home of the corporations.

The upside for smokers is if the study flops, you get a discount on them from people like me dumping them for 20% off or whatever.

This is the system we live under.


Just don’t make you thumb go numb.