COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

My brother was tested only once. (He tested positive) The doctor office checked in on him 3x a day until his fever went away. Then when he didn’t have a fever for 7 days, they basically said he was recovered. Never got tested a 2nd time.

Slow pony? That BBC article? It’s only 4 hours old, but no I haven’t read above.

Not unless the porn attaches itself to the same cells as the nicotine (ACE2) and (possibly) blocks the Covid attacks (enjoy your wank thou’, watch out for welts)

We are actually drawing live to this virus v virus idea at a briefing.

I am going to google if anyone ever tried to heat people up on purpose to try and heat out any infection. C’mon someone has had to try.

(Of the 3 ideas of heat light and disinfectant, heat got shafted of the publicity)

Also if we just kill all the people that test positive that will stop the spread. Isn’t that what Chiner did?

Hot yoga ftw!

Lol Stanford study - total frauds.


Ya, you mentioned you had a bottle. If you drank that or covered your skin with it, you’d probably die. But very few people actually die from nicotine overdose.

I used to vape, then recently went back to cigs, but I’m giving it all up and getting out of the game. So -EV.

At least I was…

they used to treat syphilis by injecting people with a certain strain of malaria.

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Huh. People are at least theorizing about heat. Other quick google indicates that maybe its a benefit to certain immune cells more than a direct impact on the pathogen.

This is one I will leave to the medical professionals unless Trump suggests it and it works. Then I will point back here and claim it.

Meanwhile, I’m going to shop for a Dan size microwave oven. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Way easier to kill your self with medicine like Tylenol than poison like nicotine

Wow. Great find. 10 :heart:

That would explain large self selection bias. I don’t feel the need to blog on this one as I posted about it on LinkedIn already and everyone is dunking on them now, even Nate Silver.

Btw the test Stanford used is the same company as the test I took:

Here’s the wrapper from my test:

I thought it was kind of interesting they didn’t ask me if I thought I ever had symptoms or when. Seems like it would have been worthwhile information to record. They just wanted the $85 pretty much.

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As usual - Buzzfeed or Teen Vogue leads the way while the NYT and WaPo regurgitated both sides talking point nonsense.

Someone on 22 is saying the LA study was done by the same people but I haven’t confirmed that yet.


Meanwhile people are getting vanity tested multiple times.

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I find it hard to believe many people are getting the swab jammed into their brains multiple times for vanity.

Antibody tests otoh are not in short supply, and also essentially worthless atm.

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I was thinking the pornz might cause the release of chemicals in the body that might do the same thing as nicotine.

It’s definitely worth a shot imo.

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No point ‘preaching to the choir’ my friend ;) FTV got my english $ :slight_smile:

Worth a few shots IMO

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Do you think wealthy people, who are sidestepping the paper testing, are just getting tested once and then are forever more satisfied. Besides themselves they are likely requiring regular testing for people they decide they need to have around.

The point is multiple tests are a thing, and are not being counted. Again, not that it really matters as we are not anywhere close to testing enough people.

This is a brief article about the path way of the rich and famous using concierge doctors to get pricey testing.

It is interesting that the person quoted at the end indicates lab output is a bottle neck that should lead to triage, while trump has told us labs have more than enough capacity.

Just to be clear you’re talking about swab tests right?

Agreed but the problem comes in countries like US where test results (swab) are still taking say 5 days. You need to be taking 2nd test before you get the first test back in those instances. So 2nd test harder to do where first test result takes an enternity to arrive back.

NB: The rich probably don’t wait days to get a result

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