COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Yeah apparently the reagent is the bottleneck, although swabs have also been hard to come by at times.

I just watched a Jeep roll through the COVID Testing line with his top and windows down…WAAF

Looking at suzzer’s post above there’s no reason to think that it’s more dangerous to have the top down and windows open. Could easily be less dangerous (although either configuration doesn’t seem particularly dangerous).

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What’s wrong with that?


US didn’t go with the specially developed WHO test but grabbed some off the shelf stuff (if shelves weren’t bare - no ammo) and adapted those (like Boeing with 737MAX)

IMO US testing sucks because you’re trying to adapt 5 different testing machines to the COVID use. Reagents are scarce (China makes them) and you need 5x altered reagents for your 5x testing machines)

My sides split each time Berks refers to the Abbot M2000 as it reminds me of the Rapmaster 2000, probaly the same era.

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US has done more tests per capita than your country

Latest from Science, number of cases is undercounted even more than expected and our testing is FUBAR:

The world doesn’t really know the US test per capita rate…

US only quotes tests no.'s which are not indicative of ‘per capita’ assuming US is testing correctly (and not just trying to fudge the death rate).

Does the US ever test anyone twice? If so, you can forget per capita.

Suzzer got a test without symtoms… just cause he had a dry cough before xmas - not possible in the UK my friend.

US testing numbers are as about as reliable as China’s stats - I’ve shown you why

If we carry this on, Goofyballer will arrive

I got an antibody test, not a swab test.

US has done 4.7 million tests with a population of 327 million. UK has done six hundred thousand some tests with a population of 66 million. I’m sure both the US and UK both have tested many people twice or more but in raw tests per population the US is comparable to the UK.

Can we put a ton of resources into manufacturing it? Or do we not have the raw material in the US to make it and only china does?

Sounds like even if we had really competent leadership we’d be fucked on testing either way.

USA is the King of testing. In fact it’s gotten so high most governors are asking to test less.


The US appears to be testing mainly for people who have symptoms. I’m not seeing much evidence of a strategy for testing which would help everyone get a better view of the extent of the virus.


I’m not saying the US is doing an adequate job of testing, only like South Korea or Germany or Iceland seem to be in that category. But we’ve gone from terrible to mediocre in the last few months.

Jesus Christ.

China rejects calls for virus investigation

China has rejected calls for an independent international investigation into the origin of the coronavirus.

Chen Wen, China’s deputy ambassador to London, told the BBC such an inquiry was a “politically motivated initiative” that would divert attention away from fighting the pandemic.

There’s been growing scepticism about how transparent China has been in its handling of Covid-19, fuelling calls for an impartial inquiry.

Chen said: “The independent inquiry is politically motivated. We are fighting the virus at the moment, we are concentrating all our efforts on fighting against the virus. Why talk about an investigation into this?

“This will divert not only attention, it will divert resources.”

The diplomat suggested criticism of the country’s initial response to the virus outbreak amounted to “finger pointing” and “deep-seated bias” against China.

Chen also claimed that speculation about the origin of Covid-19 was a “political virus”.

Read more here: Is there any evidence for lab release theory?

I mean Lily literally has signs plastered all over that read “KEEP YOUR WINDOWS UP. DO NOT ROLL DOWN WINDOWS OR EXIT VEHICLE” but I guess fuck it right?


What happened to the original article you posted and beware of countries death rates? that seemed interesting.

I thought our daily test rates have remained completely stagnant for the last month or so?

The US is top of the grim league table for reported coronavirus deaths, but that’s not the whole picture.

Part of the reason is population: many countries in Europe have reported more deaths per head than the US. Europe as a whole has reported more deaths overall.

But beware of comparing huge countries in this way.

The picture in New York is very different to the picture in the rest of the US, and the same goes for other countries.

Italy really has two epidemics – one in the north of the country that overran its healthcare system and another down south that is much less advanced.

Death rates also depend on how you count. The French and Belgian figures, for example, include suspected Covid-19 cases, making their numbers appear a lot worse.

IMO the problem with Covid is US has what, 800,000 cases and statistically 120k+ will die. The tail is at least one month long, if you stay in lockdown for the tail

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