COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

This is pretty much nonsense. This disease has 0 chance to be an extinction level issue. It is not killing young people at any meaningful rate high enough to put even a dent in population growth. Killing off 50+ year olds is not something a species cares about. Society might even improve after doing this over a long enough period. And that includes the unlikely assumption that an asymptomatic person has a higher percentage of dying when he gets it the second time.

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I’m assuming pretty much everyone gets it within the next year, and the 1 in 300 dead is for the entire population. Assuming people who survive are mostly immune, we would then actually have herd immunity.

That’s a good point about younger people, but it could significantly shorten life spans and impact society in unforeseen ways that do decrease the population.

What do you base the immunity on? We don’t get immunity to other coronaviruses beyond like 2-6 months.

Is there really a concern that this virus is going to reinfect people and with greater lethality the second time around?

I mean this goes in the unlikely but not impossible pile for now.


Somewhat ironic on my part. Agree it’s not the end of the world as we know-in terms of survival of the species, but a million dead is shock and awe demo of nature.

Like I said eventually we will come to an end.

Maybe at least for those who were severely ill but beat it? Because the second time around they’ve now got long term lung damage from the first time around? Also agree that its unlikely but possible.

Just posting to show lockdowns work.

My county, ~250,000 population, has pretty much flatlined on new cases the last couple of weeks:

Washington State is dropping in cases and deaths as a whole. Not sure what to do at the county level. If we could keep everybody out of the county I think we could eradicate CV completely in Thurston County. But that’s not realistic. Hoping Inslee extends the stay at home order a few more weeks to really insure that we don’t spike when he lifts it.

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Yeah. there’s a possibility I come out of this with Abs, enough savings to buy a house, and a masters degree…


Reinfect? Absofuckinglutely.

Greater lethality? Same lethality? Less lethality? We have no fucking idea.

They’re finding permanent lung damage even in people who were totally asymptomatic.

My boss is trying to claim we are essential

So essential they pushed back the tax deadline 3 months



When I wake up, the final day’s numbers are probably gonna be about 100 infected and 200 recovered. Maybe another death or two. But the numbers that are gonna matter most will show up in a week when we see the real impact of the restriction loosening here.

We have had this dicussion before. Society survived living without antbiotics, through multiple pandemics, world wars etc. This will at worse be a major setback to pre 1900 living standards and that is already a completely ridiculous take assuming absolutely no treatments being found and an increasing percentage of deaths for people under 40 and a short lasting immunity.

“At worse” is a laughable statement. Maybe we’re only fading runner-runner, but at worse here is clearly way worse than you laid out.

Assuming no treatments, like the lack of treatments we have for other coronaviruses?

Assuming no long-lasting immunity, like the lack of long-lasting immunity we have for other coronaviruses?

You have your head in the sand.


I’m not sure if anyone else noticed, but about a week? ago the IHMO model revised up to 67k, then the next day went back down to the 60k number. Absolute joke of a model that I would not be surprised to learn has nefarious intentions.


No, he’s right. I wish people would have half this amount of paranoia around the worst case scenarios for climate change.

I feel like if cancer did not exist, and I asked you to game out the addition of this thing called “cancer” to the human race, you would lose your fucking mind about how apocalyptic it was going to be.


Reminded me of this article I read a few months back

Yet these in vitro experiments don’t translate to the human body. For starters, bees don’t carry enough venom to have more than a local effect. This is a good thing, experts argue, because if the venom did reach the bloodstream in a dose large enough to be effective against the bacteria, it could kill the patient. “Many things are antibiotic—like bleach,” said Sam Robinson, a venom researcher at the University of Queensland, in Brisbane, Australia. “Bleach is effective at killing any microbe, but you can’t use it as a drug.”

Yes, we are drawing live to this outcome.