COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Michigan here. Wayne county specifically

Work for a cpa / accounting firm

A few days before the lock down the boss wanted us to work extra hard to get everything done

Our state has a lockdown until 5-1-2020

He called me today and led with “do you want to come into the office on Friday, or Monday, to go over and finish some tax returns”

Me. “Uh, neither”

Good times.

AZ MN and NM leading the pack. Maybe good my Dad is heading back to small town Michigan soon.

Fortunately for you, you probably have never been severely depressed then.

Not this year or next, but in 10-20? 30? More? Absolutely. We don’t have a vaccine or a cure yet, plus it could mutate to become more lethal. This absolutely could be an extinction level event, it’s unlikely but possible.

Yeah, it was me. Thankfully we have not broken Vietnam numbers as quickly as we were on track to before we bent the curve a bit. I think I originally had us breaking Vietnam numbers around the middle of this month. We are still very much live to break WW2 American deaths by the end of this thing (405,000), especially if the red states follow through with their suicidal plans to relax social distancing next month.

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That sucks. Whitmer is part of the “Midwest consortium,” right? Maybe she extends tomorrow or early next week?

If your definition of severe depression requires one to be suicidal, then yeah I wasn’t that bad.

What’s hardest about depression to me is that you often don’t recognize that you’re depressed. You just think that you’re supposed to feel that way. It generates a type of hopelessness that’s really hard to overcome.

Thankfully, my condition is not as bad as my sisters. Both are on SSRIs. Makes me wonder if there’s a genetic component.

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FFS don’t give unsolicited anecdotal advice about depression and anxiety. Ever.


I never had a lack of hope. I was just uncontrollably sad, couldn’t get out of bed. Once I got started for the day I was fine (unless someone would unsolicited tell me it was Gods plan and ask to pray with me).

Later it became I couldn’t not imagine the worst. That’s what the Effexor has alleviated.

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Maybe I’m callous, but if we end up losing 1 out of 300 people, I’d consider this super tragic, not apocalyptic.

Namath made it sound as though he went, “I feel sad now. I have to take meds.”

So it was a misunderstanding on my part.

Anyway, don’t tell me what I can and cannot post. Moderators are free to edit my posts or warn me if they have a problem.

It’s clearly not apocalyptic. We as a species survived way worse than this.

Your comments reminds of what Stalin said, “A single death is a tragedy. A million deaths a statistic.”

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COVID-19 by itself isn’t apocalyptic. It’s the possible knock-on effects that could be. It’s been so badly mismanaged at this point that food chain disruptions are looking more and more likely. Literally millions of people around the world could starve, mostly in the poorer countries. That, by itself, has additional knock-on effects. This snowball can just keep rolling and rolling.

Right, but there is a chance this is far worse than 1 in 300. If we don’t get a vaccine or a cure or any long-term immunity, it’s going to be more like 1+ out of 300 every year. Obviously that’s unlikely, but it’s not impossible.


Yeah, the potential downside to this thing continues to be turtles all the way down. You also wonder what would have happened with Spanish Flu if we weren’t already engaged in a World War.

Hey, what about injecting patients with bleach? Sounds interesting to me. We should look into that.

Bought some masks from Custom Ink. They are…eh. Just thin t-shirts cut into a mask shape. Seems too thin. I could probably double them up easily, though.

12 for about $36 after shipping. Guess I got what I paid for.

We are going to read about people who have died horribly this week because they injected bleach into their veins, aren’t we?

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Me too.

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I don’t know, he had to hype hyrdoxychloroquine for a while before the dude ate the fish bowl cleaner. Might take 2-3 weeks.

“I mean, it’s not like I told them to drink it. I did? I don’t remember saying that, no, I said swish it around for a minute, gargle a bit, spit it out. Who said drink it? That’s why you’re fake news, CNN!”