COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Doing other people’s taxes seems like something that you could totally do from home. They can’t set something up where people email you their documents and you do it from home?

The Swiss are projecting various flags and symbols onto the Matterhorn as a show of global solidarity. The Australian flag got a turn last night. The foreground is the township of Zermatt.


You are not paying attention. People used to die at rates much higher than this virus is ever capable off. Why do you think people had 6 or more kids. It could kill 2% each year and society would learn to live with that. You really have no idea how resilient we are as a species. We would not be here if we weren’t. I am not even taking into account that it is not just the virus that evolves. Our immune system does at well and it has beaten virusses for millions of years.

Definitely appreciate that they went to Queensland for information on this. It’s like if you really want to be sure that methamphetamine mixed with human growth hormone is an inappropriate treatment for COVID, the University of Florida is sure to be an authority.


Good point, maybe it’ll just kill off a bunch of current humans, shorten all of our current lifespans by like 10-15 years, do the same for a few generations, and we’ll be back to living 75+ years in like 100 years.

Good news, everyone, it’s going to be fine!

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Not sure why the sarcastic tone when literally all this post is doing is conceding the point.


Thanks we finally agree so we can stop these nonsense end of civilization or human race posts.


Agreed. What really cheers me up in these times is grabbing a cup of joe from Starbucks.

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Guys, I don’t think you are all accounting for the fact that the Yellowstone supervolcano is long overdue for an eruption


“We’re all going to die 10-15 years younger, it’s all going to be fine!” sounds fucking horrifying.

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Um, the lives of me and my friends and family are actually MORE IMPORTANT to me than human civilization existing in 100 years, lol.

That is kind of a key trait that humans have that has allowed us to continue to exist after all the bullshit you mentioned.

But yes, you are technically correct, and that is the best kind of correct, lol.

@anon38180840 @j8i3h289dn3x7
don’t read this:

Good points.

I don’t even think that’s a realistic scenario, the point is that it’s still miles short of posing any problems for the functioning of society, so it’s not necessary to argue about it.

Sincerely though, whether my lifespan is going to be 70 or 80 on average is of little interest to me personally, particularly when the extra deaths are going to be loaded towards the back of that span. I’m a lot more concerned with what conditions are like during the time I’m alive, which is why “This virus may cause society to collapse” and “this virus may kill a bunch of people in an ongoing way” are totally different propositions to me.

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My accountant has been awesome through this sending me relevant articles, helping me figure what to file etc. worth every penny.

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You’re definitely right that it’s not OK. Where you’re wrong is having any hope at all that we’ll do anything remotely approximating the right thing. I’ve already given up LDO.

You guys know I generally have been the poster to find the silver lining in a bad situation. There isn’t one here. Trump probably won’t get re-elected (I know I’ve been saying this for a long time but this thing is getting exponentially worse and won’t even start to improve until several years after election day 2020), but unfortunately that’s because the damage is already done. If I could go back in time 6 months and trade what’s happening now for Trump getting a second term I’d SNAP take it. To think we were worried about a few thousand kids in cages when a global pandemic with a 100M+ global body count that will probably end the American empire and plunge the planet into a 5+ year depression was coming. It’s not that the kids in cages wasn’t bad, it’s that the scale is totally different now. The worst case scenario has officially happened now.

Space rocks. Don’t forget space rocks. Or multi AB resistant bacteria. Oh and nukes.

But money is still on Zombies.

And this my friend is how you pollute the planet.

Correct, you could do human civilization 100 years from now a big favor by murdering yourself and family. Yet, they are more important to you. Not only do you continue to live, but bet you all even drive around in cars and shit. Probably even flew places before Corona. Glad we are on the same page.

A little gross to quote oneself, but this was yesterday.