I talked to a buddy today. He has some kind of monitor primarily for a heart condition but that includes temp logging. His average body temp is down several tenths since starting social distancing. More evidence that our immune systems are always a little ramped up from the routine Deluge of other people’s germs???
How the hell does the IHME model arrive at a basic stop in deaths around the beginning of June. I mean wtf. This must assume 0 opening and I have no idea what math they are using.
Watching CNN show a breaking news alert about the IMHE model updates is so tilting.
The models are literally of negative value to society. They happen to be correct that Georgia should not reopen right now, but that’s about as trivial a result as I can imagine.
I’ve been trying to stay less engaged. But now I’m so pissed.
I just tried to Email IHME again. Interestingly 2 days after my previous try they added “exponential splines” and an 8 day offset correlation between positive tests and deaths. My email was all about exponential curves and the 7 day death correlation I used.
What say you UP should I fire a public shot on LinkedIn?
I seem to remember everything was pretty believable at first, but then the guy couldn’t help himself and started telling all these outlandish stories of the 3-ways he’d have with the girl and guy he lived with.