COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Like Donnie’s 100,000 ventilators, the first 910 of which should be delivered ‘soon’

For me, I think I’m missing looking forward to doing a specific thing. “Celtics play Philly at 8” or I’ve got plans with friends - I’m looking forward to that all day. I might be enjoying Netflix or killing my kid at Catan again or whatever nearly as much, but it’s not the same as having something specific in my head that I’m looking forward to doing at X time later in the day. These days are all blending together.


Well there’s a lot of incentive for these companies to get to human trials right?

What in the world are you babbling about? The WHO reporting how many vaccines are in development has nothing to do with China.

I have paid no attention whatsoever to sports during this shutdown, can’t bring myself to do it. May check in to see who the Eagles draft tonight.

But man, I want to be at the Eagles next home opener so bad… You just know they’re going to do something to honor medical workers, you know the crowd is going to go absolutely nuts for an extended period of time, and I want to be there for that very badly.

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You’re going to be really disappointed when they roll out some camo wearing grunt.


If they were winning playoff games and series you’d miss that. But I feel like that with nba games. I don’t enjoy the game itself that much.

We went to the NFC title game vs Vikings. It was glorious

I will be rocking the Detroit Lions shirt and then changing to the SB LII shirt midway tonight

I was so happy when the EAGLES won but as I told my wife if my Lions did it I’d be crying because I would be sure the world would end before the parade. These covid days…

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Normal seems like a long time away. And so many of these things really don’t lend themselves to being increased IMO. Like I’m a league bowler, but I’m not going to join extra leagues. If I miss two haircuts, I’m still only going to get one when things go back to normal. Same with golf, or the movies, or poker. At best, I might get close to the level I used to be at. More than likely though, unless the virus completely disappears, I will be less likely to be as active as I was before. More staying home watching baseball on tv.

The “when things go back to normal” is the part this falls apart. Things will return to normal in a trickle over the course of months or years, depending on who you are and where you’re from. By then, you’ll end up with a mishmash of altered habits, new value judgments, and a structurally altered society.

There isn’t going to be a “back to normal” in any meaningful way.


IHME throwing some shade on Georgia

That’s a good point.



Forget about uniting the earth. Trump can’t even unite the country, or his party, or himself.

Ousted US vaccine director ‘to file whistleblower report’

Dr Rick Bright, the ousted head of a key US agency working on coronavirus vaccine efforts, will file a whistleblower’s complaint, his lawyers say.

The complaint will show Dr Bright was sidelined solely “because he resisted efforts to provide unfettered access to potentially dangerous drugs, including chloroquine, a drug promoted by the administration as a panacea, but which is untested and possibly deadly,” the lawyers said in a statement quoted by Reuters.

President Trump has often touted chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine as possible treatments against Covid-19, though the World Health Organization and other experts have said there is no definitive evidence they work.

When asked about Dr Bright on Wednesday, President Trump said he’d never heard of him. On the claim he was driven out, the president said: “Maybe he was, maybe he wasn’t.”

Wow. I expected the Czech government to zig and man did they zag.

-Borders are reopening for Czech citizens. Before, Czechs could not leave the country. Now, they can leave but reentry requires either a negative covid19 test or two week quarantine.

-Now people can be in groups of 10. Before it was no more than 2.

-Universities will open on Monday to all students, not just a select group as before

-Stores of up to 2500 square meters will open as will spas, fitness centers (excluding changing rooms and showers), and driving schools. libraries, religious services (up to 15 people), and the outdoor areas of zoos and gardens will open April 27th

Given that it’s a court decision making them do this, they have the perfect excuse when the pandemic worsens here which it fucking will.

Kind of astounding that this went from an efficient recovery from a political go fuck yourself in less than a day.

Only a matter of time before all this good work gets undone and things get worse again.




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Yeah, one silver lining is this has showed me that the emergency fund probably can stretch much further than I thought.


IL shelter in place order extended through 5/30.

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