COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

You know who else has a plan? Satan.


Well we now have it archived here, just in case. Feel free to share, everybody.


I can’t tell you who they are testing, but both Florida and Texas have a ~10% positive rate. For context Washington has a 8.7% positive rate and California’s is 11.5%. New York has a 40% positive rate.


Your pony got supercutted a bunch of times a day or two ago. And your FB link works you just gotta give it time.


California has taken way more precautionary measures than Texas, and their LtGov didn’t get on TV and suggest that at-risk people take one for the team and die. It’s hard to imagine Texas has an outcome that’s not significantly worse than California, they’re just not there yet on the timeline.

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Manhattan Beach banned construction a couple weeks ago and the State of California made them unban it.

US death toll passes 10,000

More than 10,000 people have now died from coronavirus in the US, according to Johns Hopkins University, which is tracking the pandemic. The death toll is currently 10,335, with more than 347,000 confirmed cases in the US.

Highest daily death toll in France since epidemic began

France has reported 833 deaths in 24 hours, its highest since the outbreak began.

The figure includes people who died in hospitals and nursing homes.

The total number of fatalities from coronavirus there now stands at 8,911 - the third highest in Europe after Italy and Spain.

“We have not yet reached the end of the ascent of this epidemic,” Health Minister Olivier VĂ©ran said.

Italy death toll jumps again

Some bad news now from Italy.

The country has seen the daily death toll fall in recent days but on Monday went back up again, with 636 deaths reported - a jump of more than 100 from the previous day.

The infection rate is still slowing, though, with 3,599 new cases, a growth of 2.8%.

Yeah and pony references itt need to catch covid-19 too. I have a lot of extra time on my hands now but even I can’t keep up with the insane warpspeed of this thread most of the time


I smile because the bolded does not describe me. I think there are people in this world who are evil, and net negatives to the human race. Take Harvey Weinstein, for example (or almost everyone from the assholes draft)
 Not only will I shed no tears, but I imagine when I hear the news of his death the first words out of my mouth will be, “Good. Fuck them.”


It’s really easy to imagine Texas having fewer cases and deaths than CA. CA probably had a much higher influx of infected from China, Italy, etc way earlier, so it could be it wasn’t necessary to take as severe action as soon as it was in CA. It’s hotter in Texas than northern CA, that might help too.

But hey do whatever mental gymnastics you need to to tell yourself that Texas is barely testing while CA is doing a bang up job when their actual testing statistics are pretty similar.

2 more people died overnight, 1 was a careworker

There is currently 199 people in intensive care in Scotland with 1,599 people hospitalised.

3 more today from the carehome

Three more residents have died at a care home in the East End of Glasgow due to coronavirus.

The tragic outbreak has led to a total of 16 deaths within Burlington Court Care Home in just over one week.

View the full article here.




Texas also has spread out cities and doesn’t rely as heavily on public transportation as the Bay Area.

Im still convinced that the sweet spot for the virus to rapidly spread and cause destruction is based on the prevalence of these factors:

  1. population density (which presumes high public transportation usage at the high end)
  2. cold dry air
  3. aged population
  4. overweight population (aging and overweight = comorbidities)
  5. people living in multi-generational homes or co-located complexes
  6. smoking prevalence
  7. air pollution prevalence
  8. not taking it seriously enough

The worst case scenario seems to be when young people pick it up at work, socializing or on public transport. So they get the mild, vaccine-like, dose and maybe don’t even have symptoms - then they go home and blast their parents and grandparents.

No I can’t prove any of that. But when I look at a place and try to guess if they’re going to get whallopped that’s what I juggle in my head.

My guess is primarily population density and maybe some temperature are the only things saving Texas and Florida - because they sure as hell weren’t taking it seriously.

Some of the other areas like New Orleans and Atlanta seem to be the poorer areas where obesity is rampant. Obviously I don’t think temperature flat out kills it, just makes it harder to super-spread.


Wow that’s amazingly bad.

Massachusetts has done the same thing. Mayor of Boston told the governor to fuck off and kept the ban in place. There is (was?) supposed to be a statewide carpenter’s union walkout today. Haven’t been able to get an update on it yet.

Techdirt article too

I quite like this bit

The wrongness-to-words ratio in that tweet is pretty fucking astounding. First of all, the layup: it’s copy right , Drew, not copy write . Make sure you know the name of the fucking law you’re abusing to censor someone before tossing it out there. Second, no, infringing copyright is not a crime. Yes, there is such a thing as criminal copyright infringement, but this ain’t it. Someone posting a video of you would be, at best, civil infringement. For it to be criminal, someone would have to be making copies for profit – like running a bootleg DVD factory or something. Someone posting a 2 minute clip of your nonsense is not that.

Most important, however, this isn’t even civil infringement, thanks to fair use. Putting up a 2 minute video showing a dozen or so clips of Drew making an ass of himself is not infringing. It’s classic fair use – especially given the topic at hand.


looooooool what an unapologetic piece of shit

ETA his whole feed is damage control

Also tune in for his show with
Greg Gutfield and Scott Adams? Why??

Worst thing is I believe that for a lot of people this epidemic hasnt hit close enough to home yet to fully grasp the seriousness or take it seriously. In our region the numbers are growing very slowly and I fear that this success of preventing will lead to people saying “See all estimations were just overblown”.
Merkel said that we need to produce some of the protective gear ourselves or at least have an european effort to do so. Lets see how long this idea survives before everyone goes back to business as usual and nobody cares anymore.