COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Yeah, if this is halfway decent and allows me to escape for 10-20 hours, Ill give Jake and the Xcom crew all my monies going forward.

Right, but again, 2008 was just housing prices getting too high. This virus is a real tangible, major, glaring problem. An unsolvable problem for likely 1.5-2 years according to the scientists.

And Iā€™m not saying that printing a fuck load of money for 1.5-2 years definitely wonā€™t work, I have no idea. Itā€™s an unprecedented experiment, without the one neat trick we learned from 2008 we would 100% be fucked but maybe it will work again. Not a good spot to be in though, thatā€™s for sure.

Iā€™ve often seen these people, these squares at the table, short stack and long odds against them. All their outs gone. One last card in the deck that can help them. I used to wonder how they could let themselves get into such bad shape, and how the hell they thought they could turn it around.

I mean even I am not saying that. But itā€™s in the range of possibilities. Ive also never said anyone is crazy for hoping for or searching for the rays of sunlight. I spend everyday hoping for them and looking for them myself.

And I hear you and Iā€™ll try and do better. It just feels like to me its a new miracle drug or study just about every day from somewhere that points to this not being as bad as what most of the evidence seems to be. So far that hasnt materialized at all. But I am right there with you desperately hoping for it.


Why is the Georgia governor doing this? There has to be more than high on his own supply, right?


Correct, so governments start cancelling bonds held all over the world. Not a stable economic or political situation, but thatā€™s just me.

Anderson Cooper has just given us the perfect gif response to morons speaking on the coronavirus. So many facts and emotions in one clip.

Anderon in disbelief


Thatā€™s nothing. Bet weā€™ll find out 40 years from now that Project MK-ULTRA never stopped running.

Seems that the Czech Republic is content with having the virus exist in such a way that it doesnā€™t overwhelm hospitals rather than looking to expunge it entirely from the country. I guess theyā€™re liking the results so far. Proposals are being made by the coalition parties to open the country faster than initially planned.

Even though the basic reproduction number has been increasing slightly, the new numbers coming out every day are getting better even with the release in restrictions. The amount of recoveries has been shooting through the roof today. Over 25% of total cases have ended in recoveries, less than 3% of patients have died. In seven of the last nine days, the number of active cases has declined.

Still a long way away and it remains to see what further release in restrictions will result in. But yeah things are slowly getting better.

I agree with the post earlier ITT that itā€™s lobbying from business interests, and not talking about the guy who wants to re-open his bowling ally.

A business/guy that canā€™t pay its/his debts because the government shut him down/put him out of work obviously is entitled to relief.

But if he just failed to use his bootstraps in an admittedly difficult spot, well them the breaks. Still have to pay up.

Completely getting rid of it without broad immunity is not possible from the levels most countries are at. Tack on global mobility and likely human reservoirs all over the place and its herd or vaccine or bust.

Maybe we can slow itā€™s replication like HIV so it becomes more of a chronic vs acute disease. Maybe we all have to get booster shots every 3 years. Maybe there will be periodic outbreaks in areas of poor healthcare or idiot anti-Vaxxers.

that damn mosquito is back in here

The more people get infected, the more data points we have.

If the GOP slappies really want to get back to it, let them imo.

November is like six infection cycles away?

Average cycle is listed as 5.6 days so more on the order of 30.

this vegas mayor carolyn goodman who wants to open everything up

she is or was I donā€™t care to look it up the wife of the term limited Oscar Goodman who was and the writers are lazy this season so Iā€™m not making this up, a former mafia lawyer who played something like himself in casino.

in other words, Saul Goodman became a mayor instead of the cinnabon. Really got a raw deal there.

Oscar was a pretty popular mayor! Hes old AF so this might be his daughter or something

Edit: nope, wife. Shes 81!

Of course.

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The novel coronavirus appears to be causing sudden strokes in adults in their 30s and 40s who are not otherwise terribly ill, doctors reported Wednesday.

They said patients may be unwilling to call 911 because they have heard hospitals are overwhelmed by coronavirus cases.

Thereā€™s growing evidence that Covid-19 infection can cause the blood to clot unnaturally , and stroke would be an expected consequence of that.

Dr. Thomas Oxley, a neurosurgeon at Mount Sinai Health System in New York, and colleagues gave details of five people they treated. All were under the age of 50, and all had either mild symptoms of Covid-19 infection or no symptoms at all.

ā€œThe virus seems to be causing increased clotting in the large arteries, leading to severe stroke,ā€ Oxley told CNN.

ā€œOur report shows a seven-fold increase in incidence of sudden stroke in young patients during the past two weeks. Most of these patients have no past medical history and were at home with either mild symptoms (or in two cases, no symptoms) of Covid,ā€ he added.
ā€œAll tested positive. Two of them delayed calling an ambulance,ā€ Oxley said.

It is not common for people so young to have strokes, especially strokes in the large vessels in the brain.

ā€œFor comparison, our service, over the previous 12 months, has treated on average 0.73 patients every 2 weeks under the age of 50 years with large vessel stroke,ā€ the team wrote in a letter to the New England Journal of Medicine. Thatā€™s fewer than two people a month.

A stroke in a large blood vessel causes severe damage if it is not removed right away. At least one patient has died and others are in rehabilitation facilities, intensive care or in the stroke unit. Only one went home but will require intense care, Oxley said.

Oxley said his team wanted to tell people to watch themselves for symptoms of coronavirus infection and to call 911 if they have any evidence of stroke. ā€œUp until now, people have been advised to only call for an ambulance with shortness of breath or high fever,ā€ he wrote.

The easy memory device for stroke, he said, is ā€œFASTā€: F for face drooping, A for arm weakness, S for speech difficulty and T for time to call 911.

ā€œThe most effective treatment for large vessel stroke is clot retrieval, but this must be performed within 6 hours, and sometimes within 24 hours,ā€ Oxley wrote.

Right now countries are really going into unchartered territory. Thereā€™s a crazy amount of risk in getting too excited over good numbers and letting politics force leaders to open things up faster than they should. I think thatā€™s what happening in the Czech Republic now. Thereā€™s a little pride in being the first country to open up. Itā€™s like a competition of some sort.

Countries within the EU that were under communist rule are doing better with the coronavirus because one of the holdovers from communism was a free comprehensive healthcare program. Granted, it wasnā€™t high quality care back then but it was free. With EU monies flowing in come 2004, they were able to dramatically improve its quality. Itā€™s why most of the countries in Europe with a high number of hospital beds per 1000 are former soviet states or satellties of the Soviet Union. Toss that on top of them being exposed to the virus later than the likes of Italy and Spain and you have a system that wasnā€™t overwhelmed*.

*In all fairness, the CR had its problems early on but once supply lines got established and testing output got going itā€™s been less of a problem. AFAIK, there wasnā€™t a time where people covid19 carriers were being turned away from hospitals due to lack of space or having to wait a week for test results.

NBC news ended with a summary of clear views, low pollution counts, etc

Just proves how much we are a cancer on the planet.

And know Iā€™m really pissed off. My J! Is not on due to some show for New Jersey by some guys name Spigenstein and Jon Borona Virus. They probably suck.

Is it likely that health insurance companies are making money hand over fist right now? Is anybody going to the doctor or hospital for anything other than a dire emergency right now?

Has to be. Theyā€™ll find any excuse in the book to absolutely gouge even people with insurance.

Hard to fight a health insurance company while hooked to a ventilator.

I donā€™t have my laptop handy but we are just and I mean just into the decline for active cases in the US. Like you have to zoom in on the graph to see it.

We are 2% off the all time highs. We are like the Duke brothers buying FCOJ futures as the price was shooting up.