COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

This year will be no worse than that year when there was a world war and the Spanish Flu going on? I agree with that take, hardly agree that it is sensible to be unconcerned about it.

Hmm, are you under the impression that Africans are immune to the Coronavirus? Are you unaware that African-Americans are the hardest hit here in America? Oh I get it, you don’t give a shit as long as you can get a jab in at dumb, panicky Americans. How enlightened of you…


You need to get yourself a sense of perspective and see the bigger picture. Aren’t you the guy always posting negative things about The Chinese?

Trumps handling of this continues to be atrocious (as is the UKs, though a little less so) and ramps up the range of outcomes from bad/very bad to very bad/awful.

Now look around the rest of the world (it is there, I assure you) and take in some of the death tolls seen there in recent years/decades. There’s a reason other countries aren’t panicking like you, and you could learn a lot from them.

There’s a big difference between not having empathy for at-risk groups vs. not seeing the point of this thread turning into a group therapy session about how depressed everyone is about what’s coming.

Bad things are coming. We all know it. Personally I’m interested in learning more about the virus, and trying to figure out what we could/should be doing better to prepare - at an individual and govt level. I’m especially interested in potential rays of hope, while doing everything I can to temper them with reality. But I don’t get much out of the doom and gloom posts, unless they contain new information.

But maybe I’m in the minority on that.


My work sent out an email with “back to the office late June” hmm

Pubs here have been told by the breweries who own most of them not to expect to reopen until September at the earliest.

The so called hospitality sector is expected to be among the last to return to normal.

Yes, I blame the Chinese for putting the world in a horrible position. And I blame Trump for atrociously handling it from there and parlaying the horrible situation in to a position the WORLD has not seen since WWII. Correct the world, not just the US, as much as you might wish otherwise.

If you think that the US is about to go down w/ Trump at the helm without bringing the rest of the world down w/ it, both intentionally and unintentionally, then you are dumber than Trump is. Not to mention that the virus is going to fuck up the rest of the world bad enough w/o any help from the US.

I wonder if New Zealand needs compliance people

The rest of your post is uncontroversial, but what do you mean by the Chinese?

And what exactly do you mean by the US going down? The bigger picture tells you that GDP might return to its level from when? The 1970s? 1950s even? People got by then, you know. You’re another here who comes across like a plastic liberal.

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Its like we learned in counseling. One at a time in a couple gets to have a meltdown. Somehow one of you needs to rise above the angst and suggest a timeout or some resetting mechanism.

We can do that here in the thread. The way Life works-it’s going to be some people more than others. I’ve certainly taken my turns on the edge of the “x% of us are all going to die” cliff.

Sadly it might happen. I think I’ve shared this before but one day in Jan 2008 I got a knock on my door at 5:30am from the police with the worst news possible as a parent.

Sometimes the worst thing imaginable does happen. I freaked out years later when my younger son and newish driver thought he talked to me about staying the night at a friends. I woke up and realized he hadn’t come home. No amount of “it’s probably ok” was going to make me calm down until his sister figured out where he was from some Facebook activity.

So let’s all let him vent a little. If you’ve had enough just scroll past.


a. The Chinese government. b. whatever the group is in China that keeps eating these wild animals despite the evidence that it unleashes pandemics on the world. They are the Florida Men of China.

Remember how in 2008 housing prices getting a little too high in the US caused a global recession?

Yeah, the null hypothesis should be that US economy going back to the 70s is going to be a disaster for everybody.

Our government and our companies owe money all over the place. And that is just one unintentional consequence.

I’m completely fine with that. I would just ask in return that potential good news doesn’t get immediately jumped on for not being peer-reviewed or w/e when that is absolutely not the standard itt. There’s new information coming out every day. It’s not all negative. We’re not the CDC - we don’t have to be airtight before we go public.

As bad as this is probably going to be - and as stupid as some govts are right now - I do derive some hope in that we have the entire world’s brainpower completely dedicated to solving covid problems in any field remotely related.

Most of the doomsayers I knew at the time thought we still wouldn’t be recovered from 2008. I was shocked at how quickly the market bounced back once it started going up again - and actually lost a lot of money not believing it was real and sitting out.

I could absolutely see a scenario where this throws us into another great depression, which is terrifying. But I could also see a scenario where we shake it off relatively quickly like 2008.

I have no idea what’s going to happen is what I’m saying. So the “we are all obviously completely and utterly fucked economically, and you’re crazy if you don’t see it” idea rings hollow for me.


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The levels of sovereign debts are so absurdly high throughout the west that if GDPs shrink by a large amount governments and banks will have to find a mechanism for cancelling them out. It’s not as if they haven’t got form.

What other options are there? Nations defaulting on their debts amounts to pretty much the same thing but in a chaotic and undesirable way.

This whole fucking plan to “Open the country” and feed the fucking machine has made me super gloomy.

We are going to kill a lot of people to “keep the economy going” when we should be looking out for each other. We don’t give a shit. The human race is a plague.

So yeah, pretty fucking gloomy.

Im just gonna crawl into my hole tomorrow night and devour the new Xcom game, and try to forget about the world for a bit.


Yup. Always a good idea to turn it off for a bit.

Perhaps it will kill fewer Americans than Africans from malaria, but that is after shutting down the economy and spending trillions. We can’t afford to do that every year, though we should have a vaccine by next year.

Also, it’s not just Americans, it’s a global threat, including for Africa.

It’s far from being over anyway, with economic pain and suffering to follow. FOR THE ENTIRE PLANET.

Definitely has been gloomy here lately, which is probably justified.

That said, there may be a vocal minority of dummies that are shilling for Big 'Rona, but most people are still going to hunker down and continue to make healthy choices.

The thing simply cannot spread unchecked at this point - the cat is out of the bag and even the dipshits are going to wash their hands a bit more. If a region blows up, people will demand action and restrictions will be brought back, or in some cases actually imposed without just lip service.

It’ll be worse than if Unstuck Politics ran the world, but there is a lot of ground in between that and the breakdown of civilization.