COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Correct. She probably has some control over Fremont Street.

The 10-15% of the country that thinks this is a massive overreaction, and wants to take advantage of cheap travel.

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For all we know, if thereā€™s a milder strain, itā€™s still very lethal to older/unhealthy people but not as much to younger/healthy peopleā€¦ So it spreads through the regular population less noticed until a cluster hits a group of older people, then lots of death gets it noticed.

I can safely say that your scenario is within the range of expected outcomes. Itā€™s a hell of a lot more likely than April showers bringing May flowers making Covid go away.

Iā€™m in the same boat.

The Spanish Flu was worse and somehow it didnā€™t destroy the economy. Itā€™s probably going to be horrible, and everyone will know someone who dies alone in the hospital. But much much worse things have happened around the world in recent times. Life moves on.

I guess the bottom line is whatā€™s the point of killing yourself with these dark moods if you donā€™t see a better way forward to advocate for?


I think itā€™s more like the 25% of US consumers that will gleefully risk their lives and the lives of others for cheap travel. Let us not forget that a YUGE chunk of the population is brainwashed to CONSUME CONSUME CONSUME, it is literally their no. 1 priority every day.

There are not enough four-letter words in the English vernacular to describe this woman. We need new ones.


Itā€™s like the brooms in Fantasia, you can start them up, but then you lose control.


Leaders successfully lied to the public about it for the first wave, at least, and led them right into the second wave full speed ahead. I donā€™t think they tried widespread lockdowns, and I donā€™t think it was viable to do so then. Thus dying for the economy was their only option.

We arent disappearing as a species yet. Sucks to live through it. Plus we are less hardy that people in the first half of the 20th century.

Two world wars, a pandemic, a depression, a drought, a-bombs. All in about 30 years.

They did all kinds of crazy stuff to try to combat the Spanish Flu - check out the American Experience documentary if you get a chance.


I dunno about that. Flu usually hits 5-20% of the population, and we basically take no precautions against that spreading.

We all have some semblance of immunity to the flu plus the flu shot.

WWI was going on. The US staved off a recession by ignoring the virus, continuing mass production and sending men to get mowed down by machine guns/mow down others with machine guns.

So if we do that again, agree, we can stave off a major depression.

Youā€™re not supposed to say sensible shit here. This is the thread for wild eyed predictions of millions of dead Americans and hoardes of apocalyptic preppers ransacking peopleā€™s homes for food.

And whatever you do donā€™t predict it might kill fewer Americans this year than Africans killed by malaria every year.


Lots of people in this country probably multiply those numbers by 0.6.


R0 is how the virus spreads naturally

Anything we do to affect the actual rate of spread including things like some immunity in the community changes Re

Holy shit she just skyrocketed on my list of most hated politicians. Makes me never want to step foot in Vegas until she is no longer relevant.

Covid is probably the best disease you can catch in vegasā€¦


The town of Paradise is not part of Las Vegas.