COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

I’m guessing the Spencers there is different than the one in the US. Spencers here you get sex toys and prank gifts.

If it is the same, go mom :rofl:


Problem is we would still need federal help. They have all the resources and can print money, states can’t do that.

Speaking of Boston, and MA, I know the area is highly catholic. Any chance the massive increase the last couple days is due to Easter gatherings?

If so, its pretty easy to see how disastrous this Southern open plan is going to be.

I’m in a house and I think Stim is too. It’s hot where Stim lives, but not where I live. I’ve lived in I think 12 different places since leaving my parent’s house and have never had so much as a window AC. Obviously a brag, not a complaint. Either in NorCal or fairly close to the beach in SoCal.

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All the Catholic churches shut down well before Easter.

There are going to be several headlines Like this and most will fail. Still some will make it through and help. Maybe a couple will help a lot.

To me this is the other reason to flatten the curve in addition to staying below healthcare capacity. As tools get added to the treatment toolbox (real ones not Trumps cure du jour) the potential to save a lot of lives and open society goes up.

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Seems like a totally normal country we have here.

This isn’t remotely true. Without lockdown we would have been looking at massive casualties due to hospital overrun by now. Flattening the curve was essential to avoid millions of deaths


M&S is where all the old ladies go for there shopping, and get dressed in there Sunday best too enjoy the Tea & Scones.

My mum would be affronted with the mere suggestion :joy::joy::joy::joy:


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US secretary of state criticises China, WHO

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has criticised the Chinese government and the World Health Organization (WHO) over the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“We strongly believe the Chinese Communist Party did not report the outbreak of the new coronavirus in a timely fashion to the World Health Organization,” Pompeo told reporters.

Pompeo said there were very clear expectations about nations needing to “disclose data to protect global health”.

He said China did not share all the information it had and instead “covered up how dangerous the disease is” and “censored those who tried to warn the world”.

“The WHO’s regulatory arm clearly failed during this pandemic,” he added.

“Transparency and getting it right is critical to saving lives.”

The US administration has said it will withdraw funding from the WHO, but officials at Mr Pompeo’s briefing said it would not take back money that had already been given to the WHO.

Want to know more? Our Reality Check team fact-checked President Trump’s criticisms of the WHO.

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What is going to stop the hospital overruns when we OPEN UP FOR BUSINESS?


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70% of people going on ventilators are dying anyway, right? What percent of people who recover are never admitted to a hospital?

No lockdown would have been horrific and caused so many more deaths.

Economy isn’t worth sacrificing that many lives

Well id guess if a bunch blue states split off they would create a new fed.

Read something a while back about the tax savings some states like mine who pay more into the federal system then it gets back would get with split, and it was not a small amount.

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Maybe I am missing something but aren’t we just delaying the inevitable? I am not saying I support no lockdowns, quite the opposite. I am saying if we are just going to get OPEN FOR BUSINESS after a month of lockdowns what was the point? Allowed a few million people to live for a month longer?

Well 30% saved is thousands of lives. Additionally, there is another significant group of patients that require hospitalization but not venting. If they can’t get treatment, their prognosis is likely much worse.

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It all goes back to the government(s) having no plan. None. At all.

lol, how many tuesdays have to have jumps before you’ll see a pattern?