COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Its literally the biggest jump upwards we’ve seen.

Yeah they said about a week, but said possibly two if they’re putting in new shit.

They’re gonna run two hepa 500s and an LRG 600 dehumidifier that dry out the walls. They’re gonna be doing the bathroom which is like 8x8 feet and the kitchen which is probably 12x12.

And yeah the insurance said they will pay for everything, just gotta pay a $500 deductible.

And will do. Thank you for the heads up.

And yeah it’s gonna be a pain in the ass, but we will probably be fine. Just stressed about having people in the house.

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Actually the math says not really. Everywhere is right at, just before or just after their largest number of active cases. So the baseline to start from is massive. Any exponential growth from here spits out massive death numbers. 400k MORE is the low end of the range.

(And yes it would be worse without any shutdown). It’s just that when we open back up it’s the number of contagious people that’s important along with how sloppy we are when we open up. But if you assume we only open for 2 weeks and then shut back down due to rapid case increases it’s still really bad when 500,000 plus are carriers.

People seem to understand the growth part some but not importance of the starting point.

It’s X=Xoe^(ut)

Xo is cases at the start
u is the growth rate exponent
t is time.

Say we double once per week.

At 500,000 cases that becomes 2,000,000 in 2 weeks

If we drive it down to 100,000 that’s 400,000 back to today with 2,000 deaths per day but not 10,000 per day.

Bottom line it’s a technology problem. How can we be near each other with low spread.

100%!effective Masks
Air turnover and filtering?
Screening for symptoms (temp, pulse ox, watching for coughing?)
Thorough testing to quarantine positives ASAP
Limit crowds

What else?


That is a big job and does sound like a pain. You don’t have a lot of choice. You have another bathroom? If so, I guess it becomes bathroom/kitchen for a while. Get some combo of instapot, electric kettle, small induction cooktop if you don’t have one. Or you were talking about using the kitchen and bathroom after they leave every day? Maybe you can leave it sealed off until they are done? Watch some van life videos…if you have a working bathroom you’re living in luxury.

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I’m reporting every nominee (LA pastor) and winner (Virginia pastor) ITT

Trump is #1 on the nominee list.

Save me a seat in hell if you get there first.

I think we already posted him as a winnar but it never hurts to kick a dead moron.

Yeah we have another bathroom in my moms room. We already have an instapot and I have an electric stove from camping.

They are only gonna be here for 6-8 hours a day so the plan so far is I have an ice chest I’m going to put in my moms room and fill it with ice and fruit, sandwich stuff and snacks etc that she can snack on for that duration. She already doesn’t eat a whole lot during the day and I do intermittent fasting so we should be good.

But if she gets tired of that and wants me to cook stuff I’ll set up all that stuff in her room. Thanks for the advice again, you’re the best my man.


Yikes. Getting some Hepas right now for the vents and then wearing a good mask if there any suspected cases

Get her on the Xbox and keep her up all night & she will sleep like a baby through it all…

Stim & Mum team in Cod :sunglasses:



Gives me hope these states will at least have executive branches that will go to court over vote by mail. Any state where the R legislature fights it better run ads 24/7 in support.



lmao I was actually thinking of setting up animal crossing on the laptop. She won’t like traditional video games but animal crossing seems cute AF not gonna lie. You like build a house and plant flowers and shit :rofl:

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Vents for what? Oh yeah, HVAC. I don’t use that.

Stim, central air or window AC? It’s about to get hot in your part of town.

Window AC thank god. There is central heating though so I’m gonna close all those vents just to be safe.

Yes. No hvac in apartment setting? Our house has a boiler and we put in window AC units may-October. The drop in indoor dust is dramatic compared to every other house I’ve own.

So your saying there is a chance?

Many non New York states are still on the way up.

This bitch is an emergency room nurse at a fucking CHILDRENS HOSPITAL of all places. Seems I’m about to be blocked yet again for losing my shit at an abhorrent human on social media.

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Dad’s Update…

  • Day 5 And he’s home… :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin: Giving mum orders already :wink:

4 pm he got the go ahead to leave and the hospital arranged the transport and hes now sitting enjoying freshly made sandwiches and cake.

Mums been out to Marks and Spencer for all the good stuff and will be or so she’s telling me in for at least a week enjoying the garden. :pray:

:heart: To all itt… :v:


Starting to think this is the best idea.

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